Thursday, December 6, 2012

Times two

It didn't work.

I met him at the fountain at York. I was secretly hoping he would apologize and kiss me. I saw him coming from a mile away and turned away from him. He sat at the steps away from the fountain and I had to wave him over. He hadn't recognized me from behind without my pink hair.

He sat next to me. He asked me how I had been and instinctively I said good and asked him how he had been. He said fine. I gave him my spiel.

He asked if we could go inside because he was cold. Then we talked

Me: You don't need to make a decision now, you can think about it, don't feel pressured.

Him: oh Maria, this would be so much easier if I never had to see you again.

It was then I realized things weren't going to end happily.

He said he couldn't date me for x, y, and z, but that he still loves me and will forever love me and that he would love to spend forever with me, but he can't for some obscure reason, and that he is in love with me still but that he isn't. He cuddled a bit close to me and I burst out crying. He said no to dating me like eight times, and "maybe" twice.

Him: But when you make an event on Facebook, do any of the people who reply "maybe" show up?

He implied that it was a definite no.

I've never done this before, do we hug, do we shake hands, do we cautiously avoid each others gaze?

I don't think we shake hands. I don't think we hug, but we don't have to avoid each others gaze.

Well, I'll avoid your gaze anyway

He gave me a weird hug, asked me what days I'm working and left.

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