Saturday, February 28, 2009


This is a poem my friend wrote about his current situation

In my great hopeful reign
will it be you who's going to stay in the rain.
It's like I need love
that would be a gift from above.
This life is so hard
For every problem I need a guard.
To protect me from painful falls
Or from stopping me running against a wall.
Everyday is a blue monday.
Do you realize
I don't got luck today?

That's it, guys who write poems are hawt.

IN- poems

OUT- needles

Help! The needles are coming

Yes, please notice how I said needleS!

Stupid dentist.

I had to go to the dentist to get this cavity checked out and she pulled out a HUGE needle. 12" (kidding) but ya. It was pretty big. Then she put it into my mouth and practically stabbed my cheek. To make it worse, she moved the needle around in my mouth. Ughhhhhh!!!

At least then she finished and left me alone for a while...what's this? One more needle? anesthetic?!? ughhh ok...

So she repeats the process and starts drilling my teeth. ( I'm still sick so I was trying not to cough on her hand). ouch! shegoddamhurtme.... ok it was an accident... OUCH! STOP IT!

Let's just say I ended up getting 2 more needles. and am unable to feel my chin.

My CHINNN! She was supposed to help with a cavity and she put so much anesthetic that I can't feel my chin.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cheese Whiz

Cheese Whiz!
Adds... personality, personality
So many ways to make your family stay

.....? Make your family stay? Niceeee

Ugh Imsick :( and my throat is like bleeding
I'll post again when I scrape myself off the floor

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day Care

Ohmygosh those kids are adorableeee!!!

I wish I had a job like that. J.M. is so lucky! (If you don't know what I'm talking about, read this post:

The kid are the cutest children I've ever seen. Her job is cool, play with kids, wach a couple of dishes and then go home. Awesome. Too bad I only have a single day left *tear tear*. Monday is supposed to be my last day but I hope to get a job there.

Who knows? It may be my first real job!

My invisible friend thinks you have problems

Errant from My Own Circus Show recently posted about a book she read called "If you could see me now", written by Cecilia Ahern.

So I took it out from the library and started reading it. So far, it seems pretty good/interesting. There's a little boy who has an "invisible" friend. His aunt does not approve of this and disencourages the boy to spend time with his friend. His aunt is overwheled by problems and is always trying to keep control and ignore fantasies and dreams. Then she meets a man named Ivan, who turns out to be the little boys invisible friend. Furthermore, Ivan and the aunt fall in love, which leads to some difficulties. To know the rest, I guess I'll just have to keep on reading!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Pweh. So today I get a free day off school! Happy family day everyone.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I fly like bears get high like planes?

So. This gift is awesome. And I can't really describe how adorable and happy it is/makes me feel. So I just recorded it for you guys to see:

Isn't it just ah-dorable? Anyways, we spent our Valentines day at my house, exchanging presents, and then at Yorkdale Mall to watch Coraline. Oh. My. God. It was really good BUT.... but but but but.... there was this scene where this old lady is practically naked and has sparlkes on her nipples in order to hide them. Ew. Did I mention her breasts are bigger than basketballs? No kidding, she pushes people aside with them. I guess you're just going to have to see the movie.

Overall, it was a perfect day. Laughing, singing, etc etc. How was your Valentines Day?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Hey guys, I just wanted to wish you all a very VERY happy Valentines day. Or as some people call it, single-people awareness day (?)

Just to tell you, my brother is having a sad-need-my-sister kind of day because, as you may have guessed, he has no girlfriend and therefore, is alone today. Buddhist Monk where are you? He is trying to make me watch the movie "The Core" and play Kingdom Hearts 2 (ohmygosh) with him. Ugh. Poor kid

Dun Dun Dunnnnnn. The moment of truth! Today I will reveal what I bought Michael for Valentines Day. (Michael, if for some reason you're reading this before coming to my house, DO NOT! I told you it's a surprise). I got him this super cool and personized gift (I trust you're not reading this Michael). I picked this because it would put our 20 months and 2 days together in 20 pages. It was hard and stressful but I succeeded in finishing a scrapbook made just for him. Tough one, I know. Well hopefully he likes it because if not, uhm, I'm keeping it cuz it's sexed. If anyone wants to see some pics of it, just ask.

To Coco-Cutie & JC. Happy Valentines Day, and Happy 4 months 2 days (LOL)

To my single ladies- Happy single-people awareness day? Uhm, w.e. You know I'm always there for you no matter what.

To the blogger community- Happy Valentines Day to all of you and thanks for stopping by!

PS: Ohmygosh! 3 followers!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Busy Busy

Sorry I haven't blogged for like 6 days but it's been a busy week.

  • Wake up early to get ready and go to my early class. It starts like an hour and a half before the rest of the school.
  • Physics, Spare, Math, Computers.
  • (Wed,Thursday,Friday) Run to J.M.'s job and babysit kids (omfg they are the most adorable kids I have EVER seen!!!!!). If not, stay for my school group activities (Leadership, Wellness/Mission Possible, Documentary Club, etc)
  • Come home and work on homework.
  • Check Email
  • Michael calls.
  • Sleeeeeeeeppp!!!!

So that's what I've been doing all week. I feel so sleep/food deprived.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Aw-bit late Mondays.

Kimmie of Pretty Amazing Grace has a meme called Awww...Mondays.

Awww, precious.

100 Things

Well, here it goes.... 100 things.
  1. I have a super long name, if you've met me, you've heard it.
  2. I love reading and writing
  3. I like making things and knitting
  4. I have a tendency to not know when to stop talking
  5. I have great friends who don't care about #4.
  6. And who have heard/seen me cry.
  7. I hate crying in public.
  8. I'm not afraid of public speaking.
  9. Breast cancer runs in my family.
  10. My parents are divorced.
  11. My dad is crazy, literally.
  12. The 12 is very important to me.
  13. I used to altar serve for about 4 years.
  14. I love the Titanic, makes me cry every time.
  15. I can taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi.
  16. My favourite colour is purple.
  17. It used to be pink.
  18. I'm supposed to be doing math homework.
  19. As you can see, I enjoy procrastination.
  20. I'm a very sensitive girl.
  21. Which means that if you betray me, it will not be easily forgotten.
  22. I love video games, especially Mario(ironic?)-related and Kingdom Hearts.
  23. I'm Mexican (wow, shocker I know)
  24. I am lost without my agenda.
  25. I have two cats, Francois and Tigger.
  26. I have a brother.
  27. He has ADHD, so there's a chance my kids will get it, along with the breast cancer.
  28. I used to own rabbits and parrots when I was younger.
  29. My favourite rabbit was murdered by my family's maid when she left it out in the sun. It dehydrated.
  30. I really need to pee right now.
  31. The bathroom is too far from the computer.
  32. I wear a necklace that my mom bought for my baptism.
  33. I'm Catholic.
  34. I go to an all-girls school.
  35. We have hideous uniforms but, it could be worse. I mean, it's lucky I get to go to school at all.
  36. I'm working on a Black History Month documentary for school.
  37. It has to be good because it will be shown to the whole school.
  38. Isn't that what always happens to my videos?
  39. I won't be going to the leadership camp, Camp Olympia, this year.
  40. I know why not, it's because I went four times in 2.5 years.
  41. I get jealous very easily (LOL, if you know me, you know this is true)
  42. I painted my toenails bright-highlighter-green. It's awesome.
  43. I love helping others.
  44. I love animals, especially the white tiger.
  45. I always have to sleep with a certain stuffed animal I own.
  46. I'm scared of roller coasters and have never been on one.
  47. I don't like trying new things unless they look delicious!
  48. Most people probably stopped reading this at reason 7, haha.
  49. I dropped French class in grade nine.
  50. People in school always think I'm in student council, sorry to break it to you, but I'm not.
  51. I love ridiculously loud music.
  52. I love old songs, Michael Jackson, Abba, Aqua, Spice girls, even the Beatles. You guys are my heroes.
  53. I have an inconveniently sized butt.
  54. I love romantic comedies (typical) and horror films.
  55. Number 54 made me think of that song "I jizzed in my pants". Look it up
  56. I love blogging and reading peoples blogs.
  57. I also like feedback from people who read what I write.
  58. I may post some of my poetry here for people to read.
  59. I'm still deciding what to do with my life.
  60. I don't think I'm ready for university
  61. I'm afraid of ending up alone.
  62. I am not photogenic.
  63. It takes hours to properly straighten my hair.
  64. I love joking around.
  65. Snowball fights in winter, swimming in summer, enough said.
  66. Wow 66 things already? Hmm lets see, if I'm tired enough, I can fall asleep almost anywhere.
  67. I try my best for people to like me.
  68. In two days, me and Michael will have been dating for 20 months. :)
  69. In two days, Coco-Cutie and JC will have been dating for....4 months?
  70. I love sunflowers.
  71. And sunflower seeds.
  72. I didn't know nuts came from trees till about a year ago.
  73. I learned English before I learned Spanish.
  74. My brother is 2 years younger than me,
  75. I do not have cable.... (shame....)
  76. I need to get out of my house, university is coming too fast yet too slow.
  77. I still need to pee.
  78. I love chewing gum because I have this constant urge to bite things. Sorry back-of-pen.
  79. I am a member of a pen pal site.
  80. My friends are my greatest treasure, especially my best & close friends.
  81. I have really deep, dark secrets that only like 3 people and my family know.
  82. On that note, I shall reveal one of them, which is not really dark but, w.e.
  83. I used to suck my thumb :
  84. When my parents were getting divorced, I had to attend therapy, in which they told me and my mother that sucking my thumb was perfectly normal for the circumstances.
  85. It really messed it up though, it's kind of like flat or something.
  86. I barely have toenails on my baby toes. The ones all the way on the outside of my foot.
  87. I shaved my arms once when I was in grade 6.
  88. My friend shaved off her whole eyebrows accidentally... ha ha. LOL
  89. My music is my YouTube play list. It's not as fun without the video.
  90. I got something super special for Michael for valentines day. I will reveal it on Saturday.
  91. I was born on the year of the Monkey.
  92. Yup, 1992 is the year to be born in, babes.
  93. I don't say things like baby, or honey. I just type them.
  94. Math is not my forte.
  95. I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Yum.
  96. And lucky charms, and spaghetti, and chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate, on anything!
  97. I have to make life-changing decisions this month, the courses I want to take before I graduate from high-school. The courses that will lead me to university if I am successful. Omg.
  98. I spend too much time on the computer.
  99. It's ok, I have fun doing things like this.
  100. But now that it's done.... I'm going to go pee.

Temporary Job?

So today my friend was super worried. She needs to leave her job for 4 days and left another girl in charge. The other girl backed out on the last possible minute and now she has no one to take over her job.

Hmmm... poor girl

That's when she offered me the job. Two hours babysitting for 4 days. Not too bad. I quickly asked my mom if that would be a problem and ....surprisingly, she said I could go ahead and do it!

Oh. My. God.

That's great!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

One thing

Taken from Leesepea's blog.

Name one thing:
that makes you smile knowing that the stray cat outside is pregnant. Ohh, can't wait to see the kittens.

that makes you cry right now? the past.... (oh how mysterious)

that you love to do on the weekends sleep in

that you do for only yourself write poetry

that you have in your underwear drawer that’s NOT underwear a whole bunch of stuff.... lemme check..earrings, make-up, cream, and...glue? wtf.

that you do before going to sleep say goodnight to Michael

that you do within the first 15 minutes after waking on weekdays, shower. on weekends, try to fall back asleep.

that’s in your purse cream

that you actually LIKE to clean my room

that you DETEST cleaning Fernando's things

that other people would find odd about you Hmmm. The weirdest thing that I can come up with is that I shaved my arms on purpose back in grade...6 I think. I don't know why, I just did.

that you would buy if I handed you a $100 bill idk, something nice

that you feel you HAVE to do before you die visit my home country. This are not exaclty too good for me to go back there right now but I'd love to someday. See the family I haven't seen for about 5 years. Ugggh. I miss them <3

Winter City Festival

Yay. The Winter Festival downtown is sure to lift my mood.

About a month ago, my school hosted an event called the Wellness Day. "For the mind, body, and soul." Well, it was a great event blah blah blah. Anyways the point it that through that event I met this man who offered me job/volunteering opportunities so I gave him my email. Soon enough he did a mass emailing to the people from my school who had signed up.

Who wants to volunteer from 4:45 to 10 pm on a Saturday night?


"But you can't go home that late from there :"

Why not?

"Because of all the perverts and like drug people there, it's not safe."

Michael, calm down. I'm a big girl, I can come home alone from there haha, I've done it a couple of times you know...

"Noo... I want to go, ask if I could go with you"

Awww, volunteering for 5 hours in the freezing cold just to walk me home safely?
How could I refuse?

UPDATE: Oh my God. It was amazing. And tiring...really tiring. Aww he was so sweet to go with me. As I assumed, there were many creepy people there but there was also many friendly kind people. Our mission: get a program to each family/couple that walked into the City Hall area. Shows and dancing and concerts and even drinking. Awesomeeeee! Plus I got a sexy Tim Hortons hat (be jealoussss!). Overall, pretty fun. Where do I sign up for next year?

PS: Fireworks tonight at City Hall at 6:pm. Be there on time because it's only a 10 min. show!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Thank God it's friday. No more school for a bit. See Michael tomorrow. Just a time to relax... right?

Guess not. Friday means more time with my brother and my mom. Fuckkk, they make me hate life, seriously. My brother is fucking crazy, he pulls out knives all the time and is a disgusting pig. He even tried to strangle me once : Can you say pshycopath? My mom on the other hand, always turns a blind eye to what he does, and doesn't listen to anyone. Ever. She sometimes seems to care more about her friends that she does for me.

"I'm sure she doesn't"

Haha, you shouldn't be thinking that. She's made many comments like that in the past, including "sometimes I feel like hating you", and "you can move out whenever you please."

Fuck. I hate this. I hate spending time with them, which leads me to hate Fridays.

Where's Physics when I need it?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh-oh Here comes Semester 2!

So it's almost been a week of semester two. Hmm. It's more challanging than Semester one but anyways, here's the new routine.

Physics- Ya. Me. In physics. So far it's not so bad, only reviewing math and science from previous years. The teacher is nice as well. It's a small class and they only have one in the whole school. LOL That means I'm like 1 of the 30 students in a school of over 600 taking physics. Let's make it worthwhile!

Leadership and Peer Support- If you haven't heard of this class, it's a period where the older students taking the course go into grade nine classes and help the students that are stuggling with that certain subject. The upside is that I get a spare until they put me in a class. The downside is that the teacher asks us to come in at 7 am everyday. Ugh.

Math- I used to have lunch here, but due to the fact that the school is too lazy to get more tables first lunch is full, the school decided to move 4 classes to second lunch. Guess who's class that is? Yup. Me. Greattt.... oh well, it's okay. Math is great, I've always loves math. It's always the same because you get the formula and that's it, you're done!

Lunch- Self-explanatory. I sit, I eat.

Computer Graphics- This course is fucking annoying. That's the only way I can describe it so far. We have not been given any work or learned anything or even reviewed. Instead, the art-obsessed teacher is making us waste a whole week making a plane out of straws and such. This is annoying because, although it might be fun, it's not going to help me in university. I took this course because I love computers and I understand them quickly. I do NOT need to build a plane for the exam so I don't understand why I would have to make one in class. TEACH ME SOMETHING!

Hm. So that's Semester two. Dun dun dun, I forsee tough exams!

PS: So I was browsing the internet and I found this;
Roses are red; daisies are white;
Valentine, you make every day a delight.
Violets are blue; daffodils are yellow;
Valentine, you make my heart jiggle like Jello!
Awww... you make my heart jiggle like Jello!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Michael Shopping- Finito!

The shopping for Michael gift went...surprisingly smooth. Hm... There must be something waiting to attack. Some little hitch I have not foreseen. Oh well, for now everything is good. Except for that anonymous person who randomly commented on my post and said that all guys/men are unloyal sex machines...

Niceeeee. I take it that your single?

Anyways, I believe that if you don't like my blog, you should not feel the need to post rude comments because I will be forced to find and maim you , it's not nice. If you have nothing nice to say then it would be nice if you said nothing. Right? There is a line between friendly criticism and making absumptions about my boyfriend and my blog.

"Strangers are friends you haven't met"

Maybe this is a possible new friend. But not all friends think alike, right?

Hmm... further investigation is required.

Old Poetry

This is a poem I wrote about a year ago. It was inspired by this charity project I was working on.

She looks at her face
She frowns.
She hopes the mirror
Lies about those pounds.
But what she can't see
Is the beauty inside
She can only see
The opinions people provide.
She always tries to please
But all she gets is teased
Her friends say "you're too fat,
Please stand at the very back"
(if you don't get this, think about group photos)
She cries herself to sleep
At night- all she does is weep
Wish she was thinner
That she hadn't eaten dinner.
And so she starts,
Starts skipping meals
And when she does eat,
She feeds on very little.
She loses weight fast,
Compliments arise
She forgets the past
She's 125!
But soon it's an obsession
Counting calories- an addiction
Her parents worry
Her friends are sorry.
Her eating disorder
It's gone too far
Her life needs order
And a regain of control.
Her parents watch her
Refuse councelling
Refuse her food
She's die- they knew she would.
So the time passes,
And she, the beauty once known,
Turned into a simple bag of bones
Losing weight until there was no more.
She passed on
Her weight below 71
And the people weeping now,
Are the ones who once called her foul.
As the coffin passed
Before the crowd,
They all cried on
Not as proud.
And so the story ends
Of a girl who had no friends
Because of how she looked
Instead of who she was.

Awww... Mondays

Kimmie of Pretty Amazing Grace has a new meme called Awww...Mondays.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

On the 14th day of Valentine's...

Oh-oh. Only 2 weeks to go until Valentines day. Which means shopping for Michael's present. Which means disaster will strike. Disaster always strikes when shopping for Michael. TRUST ME. You do not know the misfortune these gifts bring me. Pfft. I have plenty of examples BUT lets just start with one of the most horrific.

It was Michaels 16th birthday(March 26, coming up soon, ugh) and I had decided to get him a ring. And not just any ring... a super special engraved ring. So Perv, a couple of friends and I decide to hit the mall. At first, I had no clue what to get him. Seriously, I'm so bad at this. Then, one of my brilliant friends recommended I get buy a ring and engrave it. What a fab idea! So we set off to find the perfect ring for the perfect guy. And found some rings with chinese symbols all over them. Not good. Keep looking....YES! We had found the perfect ring for engraving.

I got it engraved. On the outside it would say "Michael and Maria I love you." And on the inside the date we started going dating and a message in Spanish. The guy there, Brian, told me to pick up the ring in an hour.

So I waited. And waited. And picked up the ring with my mom (ya I'm cool, be JEALOUS).
I pay for the ring and look at it. It's precious. It's sparkly and perfect and silver and he's gonna love it because he's precious and sparkly and.... wait a minute...

"Michael and Mario I love you"

Oh. My. God.


Right. So all you bloggers out there know that when you're bored, it's time to either update the blog or read the lives of other bloggers. WELL, I was reading After Dinner Mint by TheFly when I spotted a pretty interesting equation...

Hum. Nice.