Monday, September 28, 2009


So this weekend. Saw Matt unexpectedly Friday.

Saw him on Saturday and then I had to run off to babysit one of the kids I work with.

She was pretty good... was just quiet and then fell asleep pretty quickly. Little angel <3

Well anyways I got there at around 7:30 and the parents were supposed to get there at 12:30-1 am ish.

But they didn't. Matt came to pick me up at 12:40 and waiting until 2 am before I even entered his car. Ugh poor guy. He totally made my day yesterday though... sweetheart and a half.

He's soooo thoughtful. He even bought me one of my fave movies. "Moulin Rouge" and kind of watched it with me. Even though it's not even close to his kind of movie. Oh well, he's ah -mazing :)

I still haven't blogged about my friend's boyfriend breaking up with her. She was kind of upset at first but she got over it and now her ex's friend are asking her to hang out because "she's cooler than him". Hm, suspicious? These are the guys who were calling her nasty things behind her back. Plus their loyalties clearly lie to their friend right? Anyways, she wants me to go with her so she's safe. Gah.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bus rides

An elderly man was sitting near the front of the bus, carrying a cloth bag which had some sort of liquid in it.

It was dripping though the cloth and onto the floor.

A young lady walks into the bus, struggling with a stroller, and sits right across from the man.

He smiles and she returns the gesture.

He suddenly points at the stroller and tells her to move it farther from him...

And that's when I saw him puke into the bag.

He was carrying his own vomit around in the bag.

Really puts things into prespective.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Looking forward

So I have been so BUSY lately!

Tons and tons of homework from teachers who trully dislike me.

For example, my math teacher doesn't like be because I indirectly called him boring in grade nine. Plus I'm really bad at math so I guess he is justified.

But whateves, get over it!

Either way, so much work to try to get the perfect average for my univeristy of choice... U of T!!

Plus I was chosen to be part of the schools Prom Committee. We already picked a theme but I can't reveal it until... well... until we start selling tickets haha..

So today is September 18... do you know what that means? praaaaaaaahhbably not.

so I'll just tell you. It means that I only have 2 months until my 17th birthday.

Hell to the yeah! :)

October 2nd is our schools first dance of the year. Since Matt isn't in high school, that means he can't get into the dance. Which by extension, means I'm not going. So he said he's going to take me out to dinner or something the night of the dance... "you won't even remember there is a dance"....October 3rd I hope to go watch "The invention of lying" with a whole bunch of friends and then October 4th....

(brace yourself)



you ready?

I am going to drag Matt to church :)

*insert hymns here*

Friday, September 11, 2009

Me in my underwear

This is Megan Fox. Matt simply adores her. But maybe it's just because he loves Transformers ahaha.
This is Freida Pinto. Another woman who he also worships.
In my opinion, I am a beast in comparison. Well not to Megan Fox, she looks like plastic, but I think Freida Pinto is really gorgeous.
I'm pretty sure if I took pictures in MY underwear, I would look just as good :)
Future Career?
(kidding, don't get too happy)
(I bet all of you clicked this because of the post's title... sickos lol)
UPDATE: I don't look just as good. I look better

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sing to me

I wish I could do better by you,
Cos that's what you deserve.
You sacrifice so much of your life,
In order for this to work.

While I'm off chasing my own dreams,
Sailing around the world,
Please know that I'm yours to keep,
My beautiful girl.

And when you cry a piece of my heart dies,
Knowing that I may have been the cause,
If you were to leave, fulfill someone elses dreams,
I think I might totally be lost.

But you don't ask for no diamond rings,
No delicate string of pearls,
That's why I wrote this song to sing,
My beautiful girl

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Depressing comic


"Ugh that got me thinking. Is it too much to ask for them to try a little harder? To at least try and say the right things? Or do the right thing? We shouldn't always have to tell them. Like the little things hurt more than anything. I'd go out of my way to like never do the smallest thing to hurt him. And it's probably not the same way for him.....I need reassurance. Fuck my life. I want to go live in a fairy tale."

- Debs Rex <3

I totally agree with this statement. Guys need to try a lot harder... but then again, so do girls right? Matt and I argue all the time. I screw up a lot and hurt him often. But the thing is, I hate having to pay for his ex-girlfriend's mistakes. I know most of what I do that bothers him now wouldn't have bothered him if she had been able to appreciate what an amazing guy he is. I make him feel horrible. Make him feel like he's a bad boyfriend even though I think he's an excellent one. Gah. I don't know why he puts up with me, really.

I know he could date someone prettier. Someone smarter. Someone from his school. Someone who can actually make him happy. Someone who doesn't fight with him over everything....

And I mean everything.

(I'm so insecure.)

I asked him why we always fight... he replied that it's because we care for one another. Too bad that in the process of caring for one another, we hurt each other so much..

fuuuuuuuckkk. I couldn't have said it better myself Deb, "I need reassurance. Fuck my life. I want to go live in a fairy tale."

But if I did, the prince would end up with the princess, right? Seriously, right now, if someone was writing our story, I doubt I would be the princess. More like the sinister step-sister.

Gah, and another thing. Half the time I wish that his ex-girlfriend had seen how much he's worth. Had treated him right, never hurt him. I would rather him never have been hurt even if it means he would still be dating her...

Everytime I think about this, I think about that song by Avril Lavigne... Sk8er Boi...I don't know why, but it always comes to mind...

I want to go live in a fairy taleeeeeeee.

Grade 12

First day of the end.

The end of high-school... grade twelve. I keep thinking that today is the last day of my childhood. After today, is make or break time. My first semester is easy...Religion, English, Biology and a spare... ew spare... My second semester not so much... Calculous, Physics, Advanced Functions, and Chemistry...

I better not screw up academically.

I better get into my university of choice.

Because if I don't, I really don't know how I will be able to live with myself.
To be so young and to fail myself so greatly. Imagine all the other things I could screw up!

Young... last day of childhood...screw up...

Get Laid?

New Co-worker... surprise!

Lately at work we have been a staff member short. Meaning everyone has to do a lot more work then usual and tend to leave later than we are supposed to. But that is all going to change now because my boss agreed to meet my friend... who has requested a job there.

And she did. Today I brought Chantal, from Dinos go rawr! to work with me.

I introduced her to my co-workers, showed her the staff room, introduced her to my boss, and then showed her how to do dishes.

Overall, I think she loves it. And my boss and the kids seem to enjoy her company.


UPDATE: Gah, so now my boss wants me to share shifts with her. I wanted her to get her own job, not share mine with her? Great. Mh. I don't know what to do!

Feeling better?

So as you all know, my mom recently had surgery... She has to take like 5 pills every 4 hours and shove cream in random places... gah... well anyways, she seems to be doing well... walking around and doing stuff... I don't know what her life would be if she wasn't so independent and persistant. I mean, you need to be strong to go through a divorce and leave the country to take care of your two young children!

King Of Sketch

So...a couple of days ago, my friend Stephanie decided it would be a good thing to go out alone with a her new boyfriend-a boy she doesn't really know- for the night. Of course, her older sister and I were inclined to go with her just to make sure everything would be okay. On our way to see her boyfriend, Austin (aka King Of Sketch), he called her cellphone. KOS wanted us to know that his father was in the hospital and that he would meet up with us later, so we decided to hit Chinatown and just walk around the city for a couple of hours. Steph kept calling her "beloved" boyfriend and KOS would just ignore her calls and, on one occasion, hung up the phone. When he finally called her and decided to meet up with us, I was shocked to see the kind of guy she is willingly dating. The only word I can think of to describe him is perfectly defined by That word would be....

A white guy pretending to be a black one. You know, the kind of guy who walks around in Puffa jackets, with afros, and then wonders why people beat him up when he goes out at night.

"Fo' shizzle, mah nizzle, what's up with you, dawg!"


"No beef, man, no beef!"


CAPTION: Wigger. Because its not good enough to just be an idiot.

(Thank you Urban dictionary for that definition, I couldn't have said it better myself)

Anyways, so this sketch character wanted us to hang out with him and convinced our young and naive friend to enter his friends car. So of course, fearing for her safety, we decided to enter the vehicle as well.... That was clearly not a good idea considering that Stephs' mother was already having a fit without us there. Either way, we got in the car and were driven to where this random friend of KOS lives so he could change his clothes... He lives very far away from where we were supposed to be and decided that he did not want to drive us back home. The asshole thought it was proper to leave three young ladies out on the street in the middle of the night to walk home alone. Right, so we bused back and sprinted towards their house. Then we had to tell their mother a fabricated story regarding some man chasing us running around the block to lose him...

My point being, I do not approve of KOS... he wears his pants down to his knees, doesn't stand up for Stephanie or show any regards for her safety, talks like an idiot, and has a ponytail.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009


So today was my moms surgery... they removed some lumps from her uterus and cut her open in seven different places.... gah...

I was terrified and had to stop myself from crying multiple times.

Thank God I had one of my closest girl friends and my Matt to keep me company...

Everything went fine.. now I just have to watch her swallow tons of pain killers and half limp everywhere...

Still, I am grateful <3

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I need a hug

So... its the first day of september.... dun dun dun... school starts in exactly one week! gah!

Well anyways, me and a couple of friends decided to hit Chinatown on Sunday just to shop around... it was fun :) they sell 3 packs of strawberries for 3 dollars and 20 kiwis for 2 dollars.... intense haha... then I slept over at their house

Only to have to wake up at 6:30 am to make it in time to work a 10 hour day.... my first 10 hour day of work... yay? I guess? It was tiring, but I have a story for you...

During my day yesterday, one of the older kids (around four years old) told me that he needed to poo... I told him to go and he replied with "I need a huggggg!"

Erm? I looked over at my coworker and asked her what I should do. She laughed and told me to hug him while he pooed and while she talked to some parents...

UM! ew wtf? Anyways so this kid looks like he really needs my help so I followed him into the washroom and let him grasp my hands while he pooed... and make grunting noises and such.... "I don't want to poo diahrea"... erm well yes. Interesting experience.

(to say the least!)