Wednesday, December 5, 2012

How to get your ex back?

Okay so I have been seeing A LOT of articles and videos online on how to get your ex back. Some of them I think are pretty fucked up so I will do my own version (and tell you if it's successful tomorrow)


  • Give your ex some space, let them think about what they want to do and if that includes you. Let them miss you! S/he can't miss you after the relationship is over if you're texting and calling all the time. How much time? As much as you think is necessary, but not too long either. Anywhere between 5-10 days I would say. 
  • Keep busy - I know this one sounds difficult if the break up just happened because you were devoting all your time to that person. Now it's time to relax with your friends, catch up with season three of Glee (haha), finish that essay. This is the time where you can go dancing with people who actually like dancing.
  • Be sincere- If you want to get your ex back you have to be honest. DO NOT try to make him or her jealous, that will just push your ex further away. You want to start a new relationship based on truth and honesty, and the best way to do that is to be truthful and honest right from the start. When you start talking be honest in what you want.
  • Change - like really change, don't pretend to change until you get him/her back. Actually change, not only for them but for yourself. Were you a nagging bitch who took him for granted? Did you cheat on her? Did you never listen to him? Did you lie to her? If you want them back for good you have to change the things that made you lose them in the first place. 
    • Something I also recommend is changing your look as well, this is something I have been doing after every break up I've had. Most recently, I dyed my hair from pink to brown (pink is not very marketable in the dating world haha)
  • Be prepared for either outcome - Don't lose hope. What's worth the prize is always worth the fight BUT you cannot make someone love you or appreciate you. I know right now you're probably thinking "I just want my shitty relationship back, I don't care" BUT it's a two way street. You should VALUE yourself! If he doesn't love you then why do you want him back anyways?
  • Invade his privacy -  As stated above, give him some time. Do not check his facebook every ten seconds, do not hack his email to read who he has been talking to, do not look through his texts or chat history. It's not something he has shared with you! and more importantly, it violates his trust and reinforces why he broke up with you. Who do you want to be? The crazy stalker ex or the girl who he let go without a fight? Think about it everytime you want to hack his things
  • Trash talk him - sure, it might feel nice momentarily but will it really make you feel better to tell everyone your ex wanted to try some freaky things in bed that you found disgusting when you get back together? I don't think so. And you can't be sincere in telling someone you care about them and want them back when you tell everyone else he's an idiot.
  • Let yourself go -  This is not the time for breakdowns, it's the time for plans. Skip the huge Toblerone, or the tub of ice cream, or the sad romantic movies. NONE of those things will make you feel better in the end. You need to do something that makes you feel better, like paint, watch a comedy instead, youtube Hakuna Matata and sing it super loud, go to the gym (lol ew, but its worth it!).
  • Make your ex feel pressured- If you make your ex feel like they have to be with you they will be unhappy. Do you really want to be the reason why the love of your life is unhappy and can't do the things he wants to do? I don't and I'm sure you don't either.
That's all I can think of at the moment. If you have any questions, comment below, and I will try to answer them! Keep hoping, star-crossed lovers!

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