Sunday, February 1, 2009

On the 14th day of Valentine's...

Oh-oh. Only 2 weeks to go until Valentines day. Which means shopping for Michael's present. Which means disaster will strike. Disaster always strikes when shopping for Michael. TRUST ME. You do not know the misfortune these gifts bring me. Pfft. I have plenty of examples BUT lets just start with one of the most horrific.

It was Michaels 16th birthday(March 26, coming up soon, ugh) and I had decided to get him a ring. And not just any ring... a super special engraved ring. So Perv, a couple of friends and I decide to hit the mall. At first, I had no clue what to get him. Seriously, I'm so bad at this. Then, one of my brilliant friends recommended I get buy a ring and engrave it. What a fab idea! So we set off to find the perfect ring for the perfect guy. And found some rings with chinese symbols all over them. Not good. Keep looking....YES! We had found the perfect ring for engraving.

I got it engraved. On the outside it would say "Michael and Maria I love you." And on the inside the date we started going dating and a message in Spanish. The guy there, Brian, told me to pick up the ring in an hour.

So I waited. And waited. And picked up the ring with my mom (ya I'm cool, be JEALOUS).
I pay for the ring and look at it. It's precious. It's sparkly and perfect and silver and he's gonna love it because he's precious and sparkly and.... wait a minute...

"Michael and Mario I love you"

Oh. My. God.


Anonymous said...

Please reread your work before submitting your entry onto a public blog. Michael seems really important to you but im sure the ring was not as important to him. Guys don't seem to appreciate what we do for them. Men are un-loyal and just and just want the sexual part of a relationship.

Rio said...

Most guys are. You really haven't met Michael and cannot judge who he is.

Also, because it IS a public blog, that means I can write whatever I please on it. It's your choice whether to read it or not.

Anonymous said...

Although some people might agree with the idea that guys do only care about the sexual part in a relationship or that they honestly dont care but unless youve met micheal dont say things about him u don kno. Mabe there might be something u have against guys but seriously go find ur self a nice boyfriend and blog about him and see what people write

P.s this is a blog and people can write wat they want when they want and shoudlnt have to take shit from people like u

Anonymous said...

I was not referring to Michael and i was just speaking about guys in general. Honey i have nothing against guys its just you cant trust any of them whether they go to a club, hang out with their friends or go on vacation. There is always a hotter, prettier girl out there. Trust me Hun, im a good looking (not to brag or anything) but its just a fact. I wasn't trying to start problems.

Rio said...

I'm very picky about who I trust, and if I couldn't trust my boyfriend to be there for me and not do anything stupid, then I wouldn't be going out with him.

lol not to brag or anything haha XD