Tuesday, September 8, 2009

King Of Sketch

So...a couple of days ago, my friend Stephanie decided it would be a good thing to go out alone with a her new boyfriend-a boy she doesn't really know- for the night. Of course, her older sister and I were inclined to go with her just to make sure everything would be okay. On our way to see her boyfriend, Austin (aka King Of Sketch), he called her cellphone. KOS wanted us to know that his father was in the hospital and that he would meet up with us later, so we decided to hit Chinatown and just walk around the city for a couple of hours. Steph kept calling her "beloved" boyfriend and KOS would just ignore her calls and, on one occasion, hung up the phone. When he finally called her and decided to meet up with us, I was shocked to see the kind of guy she is willingly dating. The only word I can think of to describe him is perfectly defined by UrbanDictionary.com. That word would be....

A white guy pretending to be a black one. You know, the kind of guy who walks around in Puffa jackets, with afros, and then wonders why people beat him up when he goes out at night.

"Fo' shizzle, mah nizzle, what's up with you, dawg!"


"No beef, man, no beef!"


CAPTION: Wigger. Because its not good enough to just be an idiot.

(Thank you Urban dictionary for that definition, I couldn't have said it better myself)

Anyways, so this sketch character wanted us to hang out with him and convinced our young and naive friend to enter his friends car. So of course, fearing for her safety, we decided to enter the vehicle as well.... That was clearly not a good idea considering that Stephs' mother was already having a fit without us there. Either way, we got in the car and were driven to where this random friend of KOS lives so he could change his clothes... He lives very far away from where we were supposed to be and decided that he did not want to drive us back home. The asshole thought it was proper to leave three young ladies out on the street in the middle of the night to walk home alone. Right, so we bused back and sprinted towards their house. Then we had to tell their mother a fabricated story regarding some man chasing us running around the block to lose him...

My point being, I do not approve of KOS... he wears his pants down to his knees, doesn't stand up for Stephanie or show any regards for her safety, talks like an idiot, and has a ponytail.

1 comment:

frappucinno said...

it steph and i like how this and like 1 other story u have has my name but on everyother story im put as chantals sister thanks maria i feel so loved