Sunday, June 27, 2010


Well well well, I am an official 2010 graduate.
It was such a longgg day. I got ready at Matt's house and got to the church at 5:30, where he had to get out flowers, take pictures, and comfort the crying ones. Then the ceremony started.
We had seats reserved and had to sit in the seat assigned in order to get the right diploma.
Some idiot skipped a whole entire row and left it empty. So we were all in the wrong seats.

Although we tried to get to our proper seats without being noticed, some of us ended up doing a pretty crap job. They just got up (the entire row!) and moved up a row. Too funny, couldn't stop laughing. Anyways, I got my diploma (I'm a scholar!) and then sat back down. When we were walking out the teachers had made a wall on either side of us and were smilling at us, it was nice.

So that was graduation. Then the graduates walked back to the school for cake. And more pictures. My mom then stated she was starving and took her children (us) and Matt to Big Slice.

Interesting? They have freaky bathrooms. Matt kept texting so I asked him what the problem was, only to find out him best friend was in the hospital, so him and I went to the hospital to show support and left with his best friend at around 12:30 at night

update: I forgot to write about the apology. One of the girls from the other hotel room apologized to me. The one who pretended to be really mad to try to get me to feel like crap. Uh-huh. Can anyone say hollow?

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