Tuesday, October 21, 2014


She looks at her face and frowns,
she hopes the mirror lies about those pounds.
But what she cant see is the beauty inside
She only sees the opinions people provide

She always tries to please but all she gets is teased
Her friends say " you're too fat - please stand at the very back"
She cries herself to sleep. At night all she does is weep
And wish she was thinner, that she hadn't eaten dinner.

And so she starts, starts skipping meals.
And when she does eat, she feeds on very little
She loses weight fast, compliments arise
She forgets about the past, she'125.

But soon it's an obsession, counting calories - an addiction
Her parents worry, her friends are sorry
Her eating disorder - its gone too far,
In her life she needs ORDER
to regain control

Her parents watch her, refusing counselling,
Refusing food, she would die - they knew she would

And so time passed, and she, the beauty once known
Became a simple bag of bones - losing weight
until there was no more

Soon she passed on, her weight below 71,
and the people weeping now are the ones who once called her foul
As the coffin passed before the crowd,
they all cried on not as proud

And so the story ends of a girl who had no friends because of how she looked
Instead of who she was.

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