Thursday, April 7, 2011

300th post! Jokes. Don't read if you dont have a sense of humourrrrr.

What does one fag say to another fag going on vacation?
Can I help you pack your shit?

What's the most common pickup line in a gay bar?
May I push your stool in? -Pete

Why'd the fag get fired from the sperm bank?
They caught him drinking on the job - Otto

Why are arab football (soccer) teams so shitty?
Everytime they get a corner they open up a shop! -Chris n Josh

What's the difference between an American girl and an arab girl? American girls get stoned before they commit adultery.

What do you call a little mexican?
A paragraph, because he's not quite an essay. -Mike

Why aren't there any spics on Star Trek?
They won't work in the future either!

Why do blacks put their garbage in clear bags?
So puerto ricans can window shop! -jesse

How do you know jews are living nextdoor?
There's wet toilet paper on the clothesline -Riley rice

What's the difference between jews and boyscouts?
Boyscouts come back from their camps! -Steve

How do you get 100 jews into a car?
Throw a quarter in it.
How do you get them out again?
Tell them Hilter is driving.

If Whites and blacks had a war, what would it be called?
KKK vs KFC! - Justin

Why do niggers always have sex on their minds?
Because they have pubes on their heads! -Bo

I like black people . . .
. . I used to have some black friends 'till my dad sold them!..

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