Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Prom Committee

Oh my God. Unbelievable!

Two of my friends and myself have been doing practically all the leg work for the prom committee at my school. I have sat there at every bake-sale, sold popcorn every single lunch for weeks and organized whole fundraisers that were then shut down by the moderators.

And they have the balls to call us ungrateful?

We were supposed to have a prom committee meeting at lunch today. So instead of singing happy birthday to my friend, up we trekked to see what this was all about. We sat there while we were lectured for about… oh… the whole lunch period!

I am really proud of my two friends though.. Usually they just sit there and let me do all the talking but this time they took the initiative to speak out first. I was the last to defend ourselves. I said all we wanted in this dam committee was to be informed of what was happening. To be listened to. The moderators tore us down, saying how they focus 80% of their time on prom stuff and 20% on school. That we should stop complaining. That we should defend prom committee and if we wanted to step down, we could. I think that’s what she wants.

I say fuck no. She’s getting tired of my face and what I have to say? Good, because she is going to be listening to me for the next month and a half. If this prom sucks, I know it won’t be me who screwed up, or even whos’ ideas sucked. They said that we had to ask questions to be informed and that they get final say in everything. Because at my school, only teachers get a voice.

And they made that pretty clear

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