Does that ever happen to you? You're practically in the middle of a story when you realize that the person only caught the very beginning? Yeah well that's a very big pet peeve of mine.
If I'm talking to you, and you say youy love me, then what I am saying, no matter how trivial, is IMPORTANT.
Anyways back to the story. He was not listening. And then he told me to wait. So I did and while I did I drew this cartoon were he was listening and understanding that what I say to him is important and that when he doesn't pay attention it makes me feel ignored/neglected.
This is what he did next. He forgot to ask me what I was talking to him about (he claims he did ask but I don't remember), and then he set off to clean his rooms in order to please his father.
I followed him, told him I drew a cartoon for him and gave him the napkin on which his understanding was drawn on. He just put it to the side without glancing at it and kept working on cleaning his room. Okay... sure... ignored much? Maybe if I drilled a hole in the wall he would notice.
Then I pointed it out that he didn't look at it. He said he was busy. I asked him to look at it again. He finally did and gave me this half-smile-you can't-be-serious look and went back to cleaning. Grrr!
I found some sticky notes on his bed and wrote LISTEN TO ME and things like that and posted it to the bedpost closest to him. He noticed, only bothered to read one out of the three. Then I really got annoyed.
Not that I said it like that, of course, I was much nicer about it. To which he said he couldn't give me his individual attention and then he went silent on purpose.
Wow. Then I went silent because I HATE telling someone that something bothers me and them not do anything to fix it. Matt asked me why I was being quiet and I said nothing and then he went off with his usual silent treatment and his "whatever","ahuh","sure"...
then as always he came to comfort me and .... again got agitated with me and went back to his whatevers, as I said he would.
After all of this, we were being called to the dinner table by his parents. He told me to go to the washroom to get myself "cleaned up". So we went semi-reluctantly. He didn't talk to me during dinner, unless you count "No, I'll serve myself". He didn't hold my hand (like he promised) and barely looked at me.
I went to the washroom and tried to calm down so as to not to cry in front of his family. I think crying has become a regular thing for me now. Before I used to bottle it up but Matt asked me not to so now it seems that the littlest things set me off. I hate crying. It makes my chin quiver and my nose gets all red and gross.

Came back to dinner, went down the stairs to his basement where he was telling me he was trying to prove a point and wouldn't sit next to me. Instead he went on his computer and I asked him to come close and he didnt but like 15 minutes later he did.
I cried some more and then I got up and walked out of the room
Him:"Where are you going"
Maybe he would notice this was the third time in like an hour. I tried to cry quietly but I made this stupid weird hiccup noise from crying. And then I opened the door to find him standing there, waiting for me to come out so he could hug me. It scared me so I started laughing.
We went back, he hugged me, apologized, and said he was the luckiest man in the world.
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