Saturday, February 28, 2009

Help! The needles are coming

Yes, please notice how I said needleS!

Stupid dentist.

I had to go to the dentist to get this cavity checked out and she pulled out a HUGE needle. 12" (kidding) but ya. It was pretty big. Then she put it into my mouth and practically stabbed my cheek. To make it worse, she moved the needle around in my mouth. Ughhhhhh!!!

At least then she finished and left me alone for a while...what's this? One more needle? anesthetic?!? ughhh ok...

So she repeats the process and starts drilling my teeth. ( I'm still sick so I was trying not to cough on her hand). ouch! shegoddamhurtme.... ok it was an accident... OUCH! STOP IT!

Let's just say I ended up getting 2 more needles. and am unable to feel my chin.

My CHINNN! She was supposed to help with a cavity and she put so much anesthetic that I can't feel my chin.


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