- I have a super long name, if you've met me, you've heard it.
- I love reading and writing
- I like making things and knitting
- I have a tendency to not know when to stop talking
- I have great friends who don't care about #4.
- And who have heard/seen me cry.
- I hate crying in public.
- I'm not afraid of public speaking.
- Breast cancer runs in my family.
- My parents are divorced.
- My dad is crazy, literally.
- The 12 is very important to me.
- I used to altar serve for about 4 years.
- I love the Titanic, makes me cry every time.
- I can taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi.
- My favourite colour is purple.
- It used to be pink.
- I'm supposed to be doing math homework.
- As you can see, I enjoy procrastination.
- I'm a very sensitive girl.
- Which means that if you betray me, it will not be easily forgotten.
- I love video games, especially Mario(ironic?)-related and Kingdom Hearts.
- I'm Mexican (wow, shocker I know)
- I am lost without my agenda.
- I have two cats, Francois and Tigger.
- I have a brother.
- He has ADHD, so there's a chance my kids will get it, along with the breast cancer.
- I used to own rabbits and parrots when I was younger.
- My favourite rabbit was murdered by my family's maid when she left it out in the sun. It dehydrated.
- I really need to pee right now.
- The bathroom is too far from the computer.
- I wear a necklace that my mom bought for my baptism.
- I'm Catholic.
- I go to an all-girls school.
- We have hideous uniforms but, it could be worse. I mean, it's lucky I get to go to school at all.
- I'm working on a Black History Month documentary for school.
- It has to be good because it will be shown to the whole school.
- Isn't that what always happens to my videos?
- I won't be going to the leadership camp, Camp Olympia, this year.
- I know why not, it's because I went four times in 2.5 years.
- I get jealous very easily (LOL, if you know me, you know this is true)
- I painted my toenails bright-highlighter-green. It's awesome.
- I love helping others.
- I love animals, especially the white tiger.
- I always have to sleep with a certain stuffed animal I own.
- I'm scared of roller coasters and have never been on one.
- I don't like trying new things unless they look delicious!
- Most people probably stopped reading this at reason 7, haha.
- I dropped French class in grade nine.
- People in school always think I'm in student council, sorry to break it to you, but I'm not.
- I love ridiculously loud music.
- I love old songs, Michael Jackson, Abba, Aqua, Spice girls, even the Beatles. You guys are my heroes.
- I have an inconveniently sized butt.
- I love romantic comedies (typical) and horror films.
- Number 54 made me think of that song "I jizzed in my pants". Look it up
- I love blogging and reading peoples blogs.
- I also like feedback from people who read what I write.
- I may post some of my poetry here for people to read.
- I'm still deciding what to do with my life.
- I don't think I'm ready for university
- I'm afraid of ending up alone.
- I am not photogenic.
- It takes hours to properly straighten my hair.
- I love joking around.
- Snowball fights in winter, swimming in summer, enough said.
- Wow 66 things already? Hmm lets see, if I'm tired enough, I can fall asleep almost anywhere.
- I try my best for people to like me.
- In two days, me and Michael will have been dating for 20 months. :)
- In two days, Coco-Cutie and JC will have been dating for....4 months?
- I love sunflowers.
- And sunflower seeds.
- I didn't know nuts came from trees till about a year ago.
- I learned English before I learned Spanish.
- My brother is 2 years younger than me,
- I do not have cable.... (shame....)
- I need to get out of my house, university is coming too fast yet too slow.
- I still need to pee.
- I love chewing gum because I have this constant urge to bite things. Sorry back-of-pen.
- I am a member of a pen pal site.
- My friends are my greatest treasure, especially my best & close friends.
- I have really deep, dark secrets that only like 3 people and my family know.
- On that note, I shall reveal one of them, which is not really dark but, w.e.
- I used to suck my thumb :
- When my parents were getting divorced, I had to attend therapy, in which they told me and my mother that sucking my thumb was perfectly normal for the circumstances.
- It really messed it up though, it's kind of like flat or something.
- I barely have toenails on my baby toes. The ones all the way on the outside of my foot.
- I shaved my arms once when I was in grade 6.
- My friend shaved off her whole eyebrows accidentally... ha ha. LOL
- My music is my YouTube play list. It's not as fun without the video.
- I got something super special for Michael for valentines day. I will reveal it on Saturday.
- I was born on the year of the Monkey.
- Yup, 1992 is the year to be born in, babes.
- I don't say things like baby, or honey. I just type them.
- Math is not my forte.
- I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Yum.
- And lucky charms, and spaghetti, and chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate, on anything!
- I have to make life-changing decisions this month, the courses I want to take before I graduate from high-school. The courses that will lead me to university if I am successful. Omg.
- I spend too much time on the computer.
- It's ok, I have fun doing things like this.
- But now that it's done.... I'm going to go pee.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
100 Things
Well, here it goes.... 100 things.
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My favorite color is purple also...never worry about being alone honey, if you have Faith, it is not so bad...I always have to pee, that is what happen when you get older...lol...I hope your parents fired the maid! Geesh!...Highlighter Green??? What a hoot!...don't worry about your future, it will take care of itself...so you have a flat thumb..that makes you unique! :-)...I can be on the jealous side also...I have two cats also =^..^=...my daughter is always straightening her hair, and burns herself alot...I hope your Valentine Gift you are giving Michael is the bomb!!!
A Happy Valentines Day Wish for you sweetie!
I enjoyed ready your 100 things.
Oh, one more thing...I have me some serious "back" also! LOL!!! Guys like it, so don't fret honey!
Hehehe! Kimmie
LOL Kimmiee <3
Glad you enjoyed it.
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