This is Peaches. Matt's cat. He was put down on September 20. This was a very precious and loving cat who was friendly to just about anyone. Peaches was my age and was named after Matt's nickname. He made everyone feel more welcome and comfortable. He shed all his fur everywhere and drank out of the toilet. He used to throw up a lot and had bad breath. Although he knew better, he always wanted to wander into the bedrooms and sleep in the closets. He meowed nicely and liked to curl up under the table, on a rug, where he would leave a white patch of his fur without fail. He had arthritis and a bad hip. He also followed people around the house and purred loudly when you pet him. He always rubbed up against my leg and left tons of fur on my pants. Matt and I were supposed to give him a bath. I always carried him and pet him and rubbed my face against him. He liked to have fights with raccoons and wonder the downtown areas. There was a time when he was dyed pink by accident, and another when young Matthew tried to flush him down the toilet. He was an awesome and handsome feline.
In the span of 3-4 days, Peaches started to drool and vomit a lot more than usual. The family thought he was either sick, or going to die

The cat was unable to move much, but still tried. He was brave and dignified the whole 3 days when he was dying.

The family decided to have him euthanized. The vet told them that the cat had been having severe kidney problems and that he was surprised the cat had lived through this more than a day.
Thinking about him being gone makes me sad. I see a cat hair on the floor and it makes me sad. I put the toilet lid down and realize he won't drink out of it. I look under the table and he is not lying there. Sigh.
He was cremated and the family has yet to receive the ashes.
R.I.P. Peaches (L)
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