Monday, June 21, 2010

Midnight Rant on not getting a phone call from a person who is too busy with his friends at Tim Hortons, any reference is coincidential.

Grrr.... was waiting for Matt to go home so I could call him and talk to him. The other day I had called him after he dropped me off and he said he had been pleasantly surprised. So I was hoping for a similar effect.

He called me before his soccer game was done, just to make sure he caught me before 11 pm.


He is now at Tim Hortons with his friends instead of talking to me.

Not so cute.

Here I am trying to make an effort. For what? So I can sit here at midnight at kick myself on the head? No.

It's the little things that count right? Which is why I wanted this phone call. And a letter he practically promised me like a week ago.

It's the little things that count. Gr. Lately I feel like I have been putting tons of effort into this. I go to soccer, I watch soccer, I give massages, I help babysit, I entertain, I listen even when I am mad, I forget my sadness whenever he needs anything.

Gah. That is not the right attitude. I need to remind myself.

That reminds me, last soccer game I went to I nearly got killed. His friend (who, coincidentally, he is with right now) pushed me out of the way before the soccer ball could hit me on the head. Can you say life saver?

Some girl on my facebook had a status update similar to what I am thinking right now... hold on... let me find it...

It's the little things that count.
The smaller they are, the bigger a difference they make. ♥

So true! Why can't men understand this? Grrr. Maybe I am just cranky because I just had to keep myself awake for the past couple of hours. I would like nothing more than to go to bed and sleep. Considering MATTHEW is not on the phone with me right now, I think I shall. Goodnight computer, it was nice hearing your voice right before I fell asleep. Good to know I am the last person you talked to before you passed out. I love you computer. You are always there for me when I want to rant

See, that's love.

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