Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gives me hope

You’re an autistic boy and don’t liked to be touched.
I’m a lonely girl who needs human contact. We’re best friends.
You come up to me and hug me every day. I asked you why.
You said, “Because I’d rather see you smile than be comfortable all the time.”
You GMH.

Today, an 8 year old died in a fire.
He was going back in to save his 17 month old baby brother.
The courage of this little boy GMH

Today I met an elderly couple who both had mobility scooters.
They deliberately got scooters with controls on opposite sides, just so they could hold hands when driving along, side by side.
Their love for each other Gave Me Hope.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Well well well, I am an official 2010 graduate.
It was such a longgg day. I got ready at Matt's house and got to the church at 5:30, where he had to get out flowers, take pictures, and comfort the crying ones. Then the ceremony started.
We had seats reserved and had to sit in the seat assigned in order to get the right diploma.
Some idiot skipped a whole entire row and left it empty. So we were all in the wrong seats.

Although we tried to get to our proper seats without being noticed, some of us ended up doing a pretty crap job. They just got up (the entire row!) and moved up a row. Too funny, couldn't stop laughing. Anyways, I got my diploma (I'm a scholar!) and then sat back down. When we were walking out the teachers had made a wall on either side of us and were smilling at us, it was nice.

So that was graduation. Then the graduates walked back to the school for cake. And more pictures. My mom then stated she was starving and took her children (us) and Matt to Big Slice.

Interesting? They have freaky bathrooms. Matt kept texting so I asked him what the problem was, only to find out him best friend was in the hospital, so him and I went to the hospital to show support and left with his best friend at around 12:30 at night

update: I forgot to write about the apology. One of the girls from the other hotel room apologized to me. The one who pretended to be really mad to try to get me to feel like crap. Uh-huh. Can anyone say hollow?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


My graduation brunch is at ten am. I need to start getting ready for it because I am emceeing it with another graduate.

Then I have my graduation tomorrow. With the hat and the tassel. Shall be fun!

update: The other girl hosting is so....UGH! she did not bring her own copy of the script, she was not ready to do anything and did not even show up early to help do things for the brunch. Yay? Other than that...the brunch was okay. It was fun, singing and hosting and eating. It went really quickly actually. Well, after the brunch we took pictures and got our grad gowns and our hats! It is so exciting. I am wearing this precious little number my love helped me pick out. Its a white dress with black polka-dots and it's kind of short. I have to be at the church at 5:30

My mother said she might not go. Not because she can't, but because she doesn't want to. She... does... not...want...to...attend...my...graduation. If she doesn't, she won't be invited to my grad from university. And that's a lot more exciting that high school grad. My brother isn't going. He is going to Wonderland to purchase a seasons pass. Yup, more important than my graduation. Thank God I can always rely on Matt. I don't know what I would do. Sigh.

On the bright side, I am now an Ontario Scholar!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Drip drip drip. tap tap tap

Why did my mother leave the tap of the kitchen sink on?

Tap tap tap. Drip drip drip.

I really hate it when she does that. I am such a light sleeper...


Huh what? Oh right, I need to .... turn... offf... the bed... and go to.... computer..... Zzzzzz.....

Monday, June 21, 2010

Midnight Rant on not getting a phone call from a person who is too busy with his friends at Tim Hortons, any reference is coincidential.

Grrr.... was waiting for Matt to go home so I could call him and talk to him. The other day I had called him after he dropped me off and he said he had been pleasantly surprised. So I was hoping for a similar effect.

He called me before his soccer game was done, just to make sure he caught me before 11 pm.


He is now at Tim Hortons with his friends instead of talking to me.

Not so cute.

Here I am trying to make an effort. For what? So I can sit here at midnight at kick myself on the head? No.

It's the little things that count right? Which is why I wanted this phone call. And a letter he practically promised me like a week ago.

It's the little things that count. Gr. Lately I feel like I have been putting tons of effort into this. I go to soccer, I watch soccer, I give massages, I help babysit, I entertain, I listen even when I am mad, I forget my sadness whenever he needs anything.

Gah. That is not the right attitude. I need to remind myself.

That reminds me, last soccer game I went to I nearly got killed. His friend (who, coincidentally, he is with right now) pushed me out of the way before the soccer ball could hit me on the head. Can you say life saver?

Some girl on my facebook had a status update similar to what I am thinking right now... hold on... let me find it...

It's the little things that count.
The smaller they are, the bigger a difference they make. ♥

So true! Why can't men understand this? Grrr. Maybe I am just cranky because I just had to keep myself awake for the past couple of hours. I would like nothing more than to go to bed and sleep. Considering MATTHEW is not on the phone with me right now, I think I shall. Goodnight computer, it was nice hearing your voice right before I fell asleep. Good to know I am the last person you talked to before you passed out. I love you computer. You are always there for me when I want to rant

See, that's love.

Shower Time Part TWO

Well do you remember that time, that shower time? We showered together again.
I washed his hair first. Making sure it was grease-free
Then he attempted to wash out my curls. He did a really good job for his first time washing girl hair. And he had to put up with my shedding all over the place. Ew. Too bad he is practically terrified of hair. Haha. Anyways. So then he lathered me up.

Goddd, he missed tons of little crooks/crannies which I then had to wash myself. I lathered him and scrubbed his back.

Then we walked out of the shower, used the towels and made fun of my wet hair. He even put on deodorant on me and gave me a foot massage.

I love times like these. The simplest of things bring me such happiness when done with him (L)


Matt and I had discussed taking a break a while back. He mentioned it the day we were fighting so much.

God, even thinking about it makes my heart ache.

I am so hopelessly in love with him. I don't think I could bear a break. Especially when he said that a break would mean our relationship would be over. Sigh.

No break though. Thankkk Goddd...


You know who I haven't seen in a while? JC, Amanda's ex boyfriend.
We used to be terrific friends. Him, his friend and I. He actually read this blog more than my friends. And also more often than when I posted.

Wow. Old times. It was like a year and a half ago. Before I started dating My Love and everything went kaput. His friend tried to push Matt around and I had to move my love away before he kicked some ass. That's when I stopped talking to them

I ran into JC today. He called me a loser for going to school. He said it in a joking way, as if we were still friends. He and his friend tried to wrap some Portuguese flag around me in a playful manner. I told him to fuck off. How things change.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
I will not fall for the friend game again. Not from anyone.

Father's day

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Where is my bird?

The Most Romantic Man Ever? Napoleon Bonaparte

I don't love you, not at all; on the contrary, I detest you. You're a naught, gawky, foolish Cinderella.

You never write me; you don't love your own husband; you know what pleasures your letters give him, and yet you haven't written him six lines, dashed of so casually!

What do you do all day, Madam? What is the affair so important as to leave you no time to write to your devoted lover?

What affection stifles and puts to one side the love, the tender constant love you promised him?

Of what sort can be that marvellous being, that new lover that tyrannises over your days, and prevents your giving any attention to your husband?

Josephine, take care! Some fine night, the doors will be broken open and there I'll be.

Indeed, I am very uneasy, my love, at receiving no news of you; write me quickly for pages, pages full of agreeable things which shall fill my heart with the pleasantest feelings.

I hope before long to crush you in my arms and cover you with a million kisses as though beneath the equator.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Last Examination

Good. Last exam and then I can get out of this hell-hole. I love my school, I won't lie.

But enough has been enough. I can't wait to graduate and go to U OF T.
Who cares about all these people I'm never going to see again.

I know I will miss tons of them, but time to move on with our lives. I will look back in September and regret this but....


PS: Graduation is next Thursday! How exciting.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Matt and I have been arguing a lot lately. We don't know why. But it was an everyday thing.

He thinks it's because his best friend, who got kicked out, is now living with him and that bothers me.

I think he is just stressed over his school life.

Meh. We always have these super rough patches and then nice times. Nice times like yesterday. Let's see how long this lasts.

PS: it MIGHT have something to do with his best friend moving in, it greatly diminishes our alone time. sigh.

Photobooth Pictures

Here are some of the photobooth pics from prom >

Friday, June 4, 2010


So tonight it the night!

Prom is tonight, with a Dirty Dancing theme.

Let's see how this goes.

UPDATE: Well, Prom was fun? wow what a surprise. matt gave me a corsage :) and i got him a purple rose for his suit. cuteeee. some people full out ignored me at prom but I had my baby there to make things better <(L) took a ton of pictures in the photobooth and ate cotton candy at the LCS prom candy stand. Then we saw live dancers perform to the song "Time of my life" from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack. The seven of us went back to the hotel, where vivianna decided she wanted to watch tv, criminal minds, while some of us objected. We opted for playing cards and screaming at people from the balcony, until the hotel called and people started wondering in the hallways. That's when Matt and I left to his house, put food/alcohol in the fridge, he took of his pants, and we fell asleep together. Nice.