Sunday, November 1, 2009

That's CRAZY

Wow kay so today I went shopping for wrapping paper for my friends locker. You know, all girl school tradition, wrap a friends locker on her birthday. Anyways so I was buying the tape and stuff when this lady who works at the store goes up to me and my brother and gives us two raffle tickets.

"We are giving a gold necklace in three minutes."

My last three numbers: 052
Fernando's last three numbers: 051

Oh. Me and my brother look at each other, well I guess it was worth a try right? Anyways... so me and my brother make our way there and we put in our tickets and then they surveyed us... the lady talked for like 2o mins and we had to wait for her to pull out a ticket.

The winner was the person with the last three numbers 052. I hope you noticed that was me. I won this necklace with a heart on it, going to be sold around valentines day for about 1oo dollars. Maria was pleassseeed :) Then she said, okay, since I've been talking for so long, I'm going to give out a second gold necklace.

She pulls out a ticket...


Isn't that crazy? or is it just me?

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