Anyways, that's not the point. The point is he's leaving. Tomorrowwww.
He decided to take me out to dinner and a movie as our last date before he leaves.

He met a couple of my friends when he picked me up and then we went to Moxies.
Did I forget to mention I was feeling sick? Yuppp! Awesome, I know. Great...
Yup kay so then someone called his phone and he told me to get a table for two. So I approached the counter and I asked for a table for two.... Then the lady said something to me, something I didn't really hear. So I looked at Matt and nodded to the lady. (gahhhh stupiddd). Mh so she lead us to some area and we picked where to sit... Then the lady came back and asked to see our IDs... because you had to be over 19 to sit in that area.... fuckkkk...that's what I get for nodding. Matt's nineteen but I'm not so we had to change seats.... great... good job me.
Changed seats, ordered dinner... kinda felt more sick. Like throw up sick. Mh not something I want to do on a date with my boyfriend before he flies off.
"If you don't want to eat the rest, don't force yourself"
So I practically ruined dinner. And I still felt sick.... Gah, I got up and tried to throw up... twice. Kinda succeeded the second try. Came back to the table...he paid and we left.
Then movies, The Ugly Truth, and drive around. It was around one in the morning when we were sitting in his car outside my house.
"You kill me"
"Because I didn't know it was possible"
"To fall (in love) for a second time"
Needless to say, that last comment made me super happy. He never admitted he loves me before. So I kissed him and said.... "don't smoke" . I don't want him to smoke in Florida.
"I just told you I love you and you tell me not to smoke?"
ahaha he's awesome :) I think I love him too..
UPDATE: Gah he was really hurt/pissed the whole day today...So I pulled a mission and a half to go see him and spend a bit of time with him.... and then I told him I love him... Gah I'm going to miss that guy.... 10 days will last foreverrr
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