Monday, January 26, 2009

This Grass is for you, CC.

Yeah ok, so Coco Cutie is going crazzzyyyy. Literally. Shhesh, if I know my blog was that important to you, I would blog all day ev'ry day.

WELL, I've been inspired! CC has asked me to write on my blog. ANYTHING, actually, she even gave me a few topics herself and asked me to surprise her. So that's just what I'll do.

Grass you say? Coming right up!

"Grass is the common word that generally describes monocotyledonous green plants. The family Poaceae (or Gramineae) are the "true grasses" and include most plants grown as grains, for pasture, and for lawns (turf). They include some more specialised crops such as lemongrass, as well as many ornamental plants. They also include plants often not recognized to be grasses, such as bamboos, maize or some species of weeds called crab grass."

Thank you Wikepedia, knew I could count on you.

So anyways, a while back I was reading some of Drowsey Monkey's posts and I ended up on a certain post about...geoduck clams. They are a lot more interesting to look at than grass (watch grass grow? pfft, yeah ok I have better things to do) but unfortunately, I can't post them on my blog. Well, I can but I won't. Well I want to but I can't.... just look it up, then you'll understand.


Okay. I told you to look it up

*more waiting*


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