Friday, January 30, 2009
Bye Bye Semester One
TODAY, on the other hand, I went with Michael to go get his G1. The first step towards a driver's licence. What a longggg wait. FIRST OF ALL, I didn't know where we were going, so I felt lost all the way there. Also, when we got there, we had no place where to go or what to do, until finally we were told to sit down and wait to be called up.
... *waiting*....*more waiting*....K42 please come up (yes!!). Michael had to answer some questions, take a picture ( I did NOT almost make you laugh, loser :P), and do a visual exam. Nice.... Go to room 3 to take your test.
We walked over to room 3 and I waited outside. I sat beside this middle aged Asian woman and just as I was going to put my headphones on...
"Hi, do you know how long this usually takes?"
No... It's my first time here, are you waiting for your son, or your daughter?
"My husband. I'm from China."
"Whr you for?"
"Where are you from?"
Oh, I'm from Mexico
"Is that your friend from Mexico?"
who? Oh my boyfriend? No..
Needless to say, this was not as entertaining as I hoped it would be. Michael took half an hour to write the test. He passed onn his first try. Congratulations, now it's your turn to wait for me.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Awww... Mondays

This Grass is for you, CC.
WELL, I've been inspired! CC has asked me to write on my blog. ANYTHING, actually, she even gave me a few topics herself and asked me to surprise her. So that's just what I'll do.
Grass you say? Coming right up!
"Grass is the common word that generally describes monocotyledonous green plants. The family Poaceae (or Gramineae) are the "true grasses" and include most plants grown as grains, for pasture, and for lawns (turf). They include some more specialised crops such as lemongrass, as well as many ornamental plants. They also include plants often not recognized to be grasses, such as bamboos, maize or some species of weeds called crab grass."
Thank you Wikepedia, knew I could count on you.
So anyways, a while back I was reading some of Drowsey Monkey's posts and I ended up on a certain post about...geoduck clams. They are a lot more interesting to look at than grass (watch grass grow? pfft, yeah ok I have better things to do) but unfortunately, I can't post them on my blog. Well, I can but I won't. Well I want to but I can't.... just look it up, then you'll understand.
Okay. I told you to look it up
*more waiting*
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Dance Lessons From THE Pro.
PS: I do realize he is wearing a Halloween costume in January, thanks. Early trick-or-treating anyone?
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Stupid Blackout
Or a tv. Or a charger, or a phone, or my stove, not even my microwave. It was fucking horrible.
And freezing, I swear I slept with like 18 blankets, just incase it got colder.
You would think that, considering this happened like 3 years ago, they would have fixed it properly, but noooooo, lets leave the little people trapped in their homes shall we?
Anyways, we got power yesterday night (FINALLY, we were in the last 25% that didn't have it, ugh)
On the upside, school was cancelled, leaving me to not study for my unit tests.
(I swear to God that I considered studying by candle-light)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I have found a wife!
"You don't know what it's like to have a sibling with boobs."
Ahem. Thank you? Is that a form of weird compliment?
Anyways, so after a thourough screening process, one stood out above the rest. The beloved Buddist Monk ( I hope that you know that since you picked this nickname, you are stuck with it, loser...erm, future sister in law ) showed me that she and Fernando would be a perfect match.
She's cool, smart, good-looking. He's the total opposite. Hmm, maybe a normal child is in order?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I knew I could count on her. :)
So Perv, I really appreciate your friendship and the fact that you phoned me to make sure I was okay and such. You made me feel like you care about what I think/go through/feel so thank you for that.
Friday, January 9, 2009
"Want to go to the movies with me?" (the guy who asked me had a littlee crush on me a while back so i didn't want to go)
"Why not? We're all going"
Who's we?
"Me, perv, Coco-cutie, l , vlado, tom, everyone!"
No your not lol they would have told me about it :P
of course I though that, I mean, friends are supposed to invite friends out to the movies with them right? Well, I would have invited them but it kind of seems like they didn't even want me to know about it. I don't know, maybe im overreacting again? maybe.
so then I asked perv and coco-cutie, who affirmed what the guy said. Great. Thanks for the invite Peter but I think I'm going to have to skip this one. It's so obvious that everyone wants me there?
AND to top it off, today someone asked me if I even like l. OF COURSE I like her, otherwise why would I bother going to her mom's funeral? I don't understand what is going on. I'm frustrated with life and school and Michael and my family. Greattttt. Who said the high-school years were the best years of your life?
Nice way to start the year right?
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
M & M -- What Michael and I do
10- Grocery shopping for his family
9- Going to wash clothes
8- Painting my nails
7- Clean ice from snow using our feet
6- Torture kitties(mine)
5- Receiving (uhm) lectures from my mother
4- Looking into my neighbours window with binoculars.
3- That last one (number 4) was false, haha. Looking at Mr. Hairface (wtf, i know).
(Back of Michael head)
2-Watching, what was that movie, uhm... Good Luck Chuck I think? The very last part at the end, where the girl is asking the guy to eat out a stuffed animal. I guess penguins turn her on.
1-See Fernando's privato body parts (which, he seems to not understand that they should remain PRIVATE and has shown Michael and myself. Thanks.)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Jesus on fire!
Anyways. Yup. I should be doing homework, but blah. And I don't have much to blog about right now so I'm going to tell you a bit more about my brother. WARNING: Do not drink anything while reading posts about him for it may induce rapid spitting/choking. You have been warned.
Lets, lets start with Jesus being on fire, shall we?
First of all, you should all know that my brother suffers from ADHD, which means he is hyper and can't focus well. Great combination right? Also, you need to know my mom is super religious. She invented Holy Week. Seriously. Anyways, moving on.
My brother loves computers, he always has. One day, he was roaming the internet looking for a new screensaver for our computer. He found this super cool fire thing. It keeps your desktop picture and lights it on fire, with crackling sounds and everything. Well, being the little boy that he is, he found this quite amusing and decided to make it our screensaver. He did not tell anyone. A couple of days later, my mother decides to change the desktop from a picture of flowers to a picture of Christ. You can see where this is going can't you? Well, we were watching tv one day when all of a sudden, we hear crackling. But what is it? Where is it coming from? We looked absolutely EVERYWHERE and could not find the crackling sound. Finally, for some reason, my mother looks at the computer screen. There is Jesus, flames spitting out of his ears and burning his hair.
Yes mother, I'm sure the devil decided to come and burn our desktop.
Needless to say, I find this quite amusing.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Layout Changes
Routine. Routine. Routine. March Break!!!
Something to look forward to.
PS: I know you love those flowers on the header.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy New Year!
Yup. Life is good. If that is just the first 2 days of 2009, I wonder what other wild adventures will be thrown my way. Uh-uh, time to put on the metal shield.
The actual new years night was ok. Pretty uneventful. Good? Not really, but it was better than today and yesterday.
UPDATE: This may be my very last post. If it is, make sure the police come after my mother. (hopefully things won't be that bad but, right now, I'm pretty worried). BUT, I was really happy to see that people are reading my blog. "Yaya". Kind of made my day a bit better. Thanks for the comments!