Monday, December 28, 2009
The Stupid One
I never really had a curfew. I could stay out for as long as I wanted as long as she knew I was safe.
I got a curfew forced upon me when I started dating Matthew. My "curfew" is now 11 p.m.
I never listen to that, really. I am out with someone and I rather not be home.
That's what me and Matt were talking about yesterday from 11 pm to 11:20. He was saying that he felt bad leaving me somewhere I did not want to be. I said it was fine.... everything is always fine.....
Of course that is not true and he knows it. I walked into my house and my mom was like "we need to have a talk tomorrow morning." I said no, if you want to talk we are talking now, not tomorrow.
"Tomorrow I said."
Of course, why would she listen to me? Is it so far-fetched to not want my whole day ruined the next day. Whatever. So anyways, it's today.
I say good morning to her and she replies in a hesitant/grouchy manner. Mh.
"Come here. We need to have a talk."
No, if you wanted to talk, you should have done it yesterday.
"You know this house isn't a hotel"
Mom, don't start. Don't ruin my day so early
"Don't talk to me in that tone of voice. If you want to live in this house you will follow my rules. Don't treat me like the stupid one in this house, because it's you who's the only stupid one here."
.... Okay mom, thank you.
That's about the time I walked away from her as she was saying things like "You are cut off" and I'm not exactly sure but it sounded like "you have no mother".
Wow, if the new year is something like this past year, I am going to have soo much fun!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Day '09
Today's plans: go watch "Sherlock Holmes" avec my love and my family... who don't really like him? hm. Shall be interesting? Let's hope that the movie is the only source of entertainment.
After going to the house of a family friend of Matt's family. Mh. Also fun? It would be way better if I understood what they were saying half the time. They all speak Portuguese and smile and laugh and look at me expectantly. Uhm... I do not understand you. Eu no falho Portugues!!!!
Eating ice cream right now. Soon I will be competing with Santa in an eating competition.
I'm sure I'll win.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
They had sex.... no they didn't.
They had fun. I like hotels. I like it when he did it for me.
It was nice.
Her boyfriend seems like a pretty caring guy. I'm happy for her. That's it. I call maid of honor....
Yessir, after all those math classes together and crazy adventures. Def.
Totally. O.G.
UPDATE: Mom is half shunning me. On Christmas Eve. Meeeeeeeeerry Christmas to yooouuuuuuuuuu!
Walk like a man
Walk like a Man
Oh, how you tried to cut me down to size
Tellin' dirty lies to my friends
But my own father said "Give her up, don't bother
The world isn't comin' to an end"
Walk like a man, talk like a man
Walk like a man my son
No woman's worth crawlin' on the earth
So walk like a man, my son
Bye bye baby, I don't-a mean maybe
Gonna get along somehow
Soon you'll be cryin' on account of all your lyin'
Oh yeah, just look who's laughin' now
Walk like a man, fast as I can
Walk like a man from you
I'll tell the world "forget about it, girl"
And walk like a man from you
Walk x(Repeat till end)
Jersey Boys
UPDATE: I am not really feeling better but I want to write about this before I forget. So for Christmas my lover took me to see Jersey Boys. Yessir! A musical. Even though he finds them annoying. He did it because he knows it would make me happy. Can you say luuuuuuuhhhhve?
Walk like a man fast as I cannnnnnnnn.... yes. It was really good.
We were arguing before we went in though... what else is new? Maria screwing things up and Matt noticing that she feels guilty for ruining things. He goes through all this effort for me to be all....."negative" was what he said. *Sigh*
Walk like a man talk like a man. Walk like a man my son...No woman is worth crawling on the earth....
ooooooooooooohhhhh ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
Yessir. Well the show was amazing. First time I have watched a legit performance. Fun. I wish I had known the songs. That would have made it better. Fail on my part. Oh well. Awesome. Now I can't stop listening to a specific song.
00000000000000000000000000000000000hhhhhhhhhhhhh Walk like a maaaaaaaaaan.
Well. Me and Matt argued... Matt and I argued. The world isn't coming to an endddddddd. Walk like a man my soooooooooon. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh....
We argued. We fixed it. I love how we can do it. I hate arguing but I understand it's good for our relationship.
Walk like a man from yoooouuuuuuuuuuu.
*downloads songs from Jersey Boys......illegally -shifty eyes-*
Where is the Christmas spirit?
So. Christmas officially sucks. Not done any homework at all. Keep arguing with my boyfriend. Love how the "friendships" with people seem to be going these days. Family life just keep getting worse... ya fun stuff.
Did I mention that I left some super important paper on my computer desk and that my family threw it out? Yupppp. That means I can't apply to university. The only way of getting that information is from my guidance councellor. Like 5 day s before the deadline. People have already been accepted into uni and I haven't even applied. Fuckkk my life.
Told my mom about it. Then we argued... as usual.. called me ungrateful, stupid, etc etc. What else is new?
Merry fucking Christmas.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Mele Kalikimaka
*does spy roll on floor* yes! *poses*
Plus Matt (takes foreeeeever, I mean, we have been dating for SEVEN months Fairy) FINALLY put something about us in his msn name. Yay. Good. That's it, he loves me. His msn told me so.
Not that I didn't already know that. But still, nice touch.
BTW, as we freeze here in what my love calls a, "frozen wasteland" (aka Canada), why don't I torture myself with the warm weather :
I love snowwwww... and I love sand.... but I don't like windy cold wet snow on me and making me sick. :( Yes now I am sickish. And not in the Ohhh I'm so o.g. (Original Gangster) and yaaaaa b you just wish you were as fly as meee.. not in that way. In the want to curl up and die way. Okay? Good.
School: One failure after the other. it seems that even if I get perfect on an assignment, teachers are willing to look for ways to lower my mark. For example, I got a religion assignment back that was covered in checkmarks and not a single mistake had been marked. I got 80% on it. I went up to talk to him and he said he has not read it carefully enough to mark the mistakes and he read mine over. He gave me a 90% instead. Good, what about math though? Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaail. I'm going to be like one of those creeper women who live in boxes and with a ton of animals. Great.....
Friends: Things have been okay in this area. The people who I enjoy around me seem to be there. The ones I could so without seem to be farthest away from me. It's like a party. You walk in with some people and you lose them in the crowd and the music is playing and why does it matter anyways? There are other people to befriend. So you go talk to them instead and realize that it didn't matter who you came to the party with because you were still having fun. Does that make sense? Maybe. If not, what do I care, it's my blog. If it makes sense to me now, it will later on.
Matt: It seems like all we are doing lately is arguing. He seems to be more defensive lately. Is it me? Maybe. I do screw up a lot. Make him feel bad. Which sucks. I know he doesn't like this time of the year... he has his reasons but, I feel like I am making it worse? ya kayyyyyyy. And sometimes he makes me feel pretty shitty too. But no one else can make me happier. The other day I was freaking out about some Biology presentation... Felt like I couldn't breath, was going to throw up, cry. The whole ordeal. He was all like... "worse comes to worse you can just sing and breakdance"..
Me: About cloning?
Matt: Ohhhhh..... it's about cloning? Then you can go off on this rant about how you are unclonable because machines would break due to your awesomeness.
Is there a question as to why I love him? No. Didn't think so. All these stupid fights really hurt but if it's something we need to do then so be it.
Family: Ahhh.. these people drive me insaneeeeeeeeee!
*sigh*.... tis the be jolly fa la la la la..........
Oh wellll. Matt better like his gift. It comes in two parts. But they fit together to make one big surprise. Yay! I am so proud of it. Hopefullyyyy he likes it. Mission and a half.....
Choc. Meringue Cookies
In exactly nine days.
I don't know if I am so excited anymore. Soo much stress I have to deal with. Firstly, there my famill. Always a problem with that bunch. If i do something, it's because I did it. And if I don't do something, it's because I didn't do it. Does that make sense? It does to me.
Made some cookies for a staff cookie exchange we had at work.
You need:
- 3 egg whites
- 1/8 tablespoon cream of tartar
- 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract
- 2/3 cup white sugar
- 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1- Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C)
2- Combine egg whites, cream of tartar, and vanilla. Beat until whites form soft peaks. Slowly add sugar. Beat until mixture forms hard peaks and becomes glossy. Fold in cocoa and choc. chips.
3- Drop mixture by teaspoonfuls on a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 25-30 mins.
UPDATE: Attempted to make these cookies for Matt's parents. Succeeded but the cookies then became soggyish due to exposure to air. Fuck you air, fuck you.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Christmas Presents
Yes, Santa Clause has fired me from his gift wrapping factory :(
Oh no! Now Christmas will def be ruined! How can I live with myself?!?
Well, it's not that bad. At least the reindeer still like me :)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas Cookies
And yes, I am reflecting.
Matt and his mother and I made cookies. I tried to get his dad to help but he did not even make a single one :( Blob. It's kay b/c he is awesome though. He can have all the almond snowball cookies he wants for all I care. Fo' shizzzzzle.
So brah, we were making cookies when Matt's back started hurting so he went to his room and I followed. He has been trying to get me to give him a message but I am def going to be a total fail so I haven't really tried. It's like. Maria thanks for that massage, now my back hurts more...bitch. So we go make more cookies and go downstairs.
Yaaaa.. that's not embarassing. What's wrong with you Maria? Well, the good part is still to come.
Matt puts on some movie. I don't know why he even bothers, we never end up watching it. We end up talking and staring at each other. I love staring at him. He has this defined jaw and cheekbones and a perfect nose and perfect eyelashes and nice eyebrows and "deep" eyes. Ya, those are the physical things I see when I stare at his face, let's not get into the emotional things. So deadly.
woooowwww must look pretty gay to see someone staring at their soulmate like that.
Back to the story, so ya. Oh wait, I know why he puts the movie on. In case his parents come downstairs and we are on top of each other. Right. Anyways so Mr. Deadly and myself start talking..kissing...and that's how it all started.
More kissing... heavy breathing..pull on pants..lower...lower.... touching...kissing...
Not long later, we hear footsteps and Matt practically jumps to get me covered with his Fail Blanket. He has been trying to get me to use the FB for a while but I totally refuse. I am such a mastermind that I would never get caught doing anything that involves having my pants around my ankles....
Or so I thought. The blanket covered the most important tidbits on both of us but left our legs revealed. Faaaaaaaaaaiiil...
In walks in Matt's mom with two cookies she intended on giving us.
Me: Wow... faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaill
Matt: Total fail.
Matt's mom then threw the cookies at me and called me a slut. Saying she never wants to see me again and that she will have a very detailed and "required" talk with my mother. She says that I am too young to be doing such things and grabs the blanket from me. Matt laughed.
Well... that COULD have happened. But it didn't... instead.....
She walks over half-smiling and hands us the cookies. We thank her and she apologizes for interrupting as she leaves the room.
REWIND: apologizes.... whatttttttt?
Brah, that's when you know you have a kickass madre... just sayinnnn'
Making cookies... that's how it all started.
Shhh... it shall be our little secret ;)
PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death and God from Frank Warren on Vimeo.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I think I should know how to make love to something innocent without leaving my fingerprints
And watch his favourite team play soccer.
I don't really like soccer.
But I agreed because he likes it. I was looking forward to seeing him.
Then I get a call from him saying he's going to some bar thing to watch the game with his dad.
Erm.... okay.... great?...
I guess now i have to wait almost 3 hours to see him.
Hm.. and I had my hopes up and everything already... gah...
On a completely unrelated subject, I need to start buying Christmas presents... including Kris Kringle for my ultra-special-secret-person... I feel sickish....
Plus today is my six months with Matt... I guess that's one of the main reasons I wanted to see him so soon? Plus we won't get alone time later because we are going on another double date with his friend, Phil, and his girlfriend.
Hm... at first I didn't really like her...maybe it's because I don't like talking to people I don't know/ am trying to impress. I feel the need to impress all those who are a part of Matt's life. I know I should be my own persona and what not but I rather keep quiet that make myself out to be ignorant.
"It's better to have people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Thanks Yohan (Y). That's a Camp O bond for you.
Well, shes really nice actually. Today we are going to Toronto's 43rth annual Calvacade of lights.... basically, we are going to go see the city's Christmas tree and all its little lights turn on.
Why does the image of the tree burning pop into my mind?
Out: Soccer, Bars
In: Christmas shopping and this song:
UPDATE: So the double date was cancelled and we just decided to go downtown for the tree thing by ourselves. It was nice... got there kind of late so we didn't really see much.. Then I made him walk through this swarm of people to get to the city's Christmas tree. I love the smell of those things. Yum. We walked around in the Eaton's Centre and went into Starbucks and Indigo. I had fun... but I always do with him.
UPDATE NUMERO DOS: Okay, we have been dating for six months now, it's about time he puts something on his msn name that hints at me. Just sayin'.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Hotel Room Service
We were walking down the street back to the hotel when I started to shiver.. and not the little shivering thing girls do in movies.. more like actual shivering, teeth beginning to chatter, kind of shivering. And he gave me his jacket even though it was like only 3 more buildings and crossing the street. Whatevs, still sweet.
We walked back into the hotel room but I didn't feel weird again this time. Called my mom. Told her I was on my way to a sleepover at my friend's house and then she said...
"Oh.. already? call me when you get there so I can talk to her"
Greattttttttt... Can you just leave me alone and not make my life so complicated?
Guess not... I know you know I trick you. And I still outsmart you every time. No matter how much you hate my boyfriend.
That is when I called me friend and asked her to three-way my mother so she would be able to speak at the same time as myself. So I began talking to my mother and she asked to talk to my friend.. my friend timed her entrance into the conversation so perfectly, couldn't have done it better myself.
Needless to say, my mother believed it and left me to it.
Matt sang/half-danced Happy Birthday for me. I love how he is so willing to do anything that he knows will make me happy. There is a bit of coaxing and he knows it's ridiculous but he still does it.
Talked more... joked around, stuff like that... ended up falling asleep at like midnight with his arms wrapped around me.
I remember half-waking up and kissing his lips... falling back asleep... him moving away and me wrapping myself around him.. me moving and he doing the same thing... kissing each others faces... ending up awake.
Ending up awake... at 6:oo am. Instead of sleeping in, we started talking again... until his cellphone rang... at 6:20ish in the morning! It was his father...
"Where are you?"
Matt: I slept out..
"Oh okay...bye"
I love that. Then I got up and straightened my hair... played a little number game with my love... Time flew by.. His phone rang again... the taxi driver was driving back the foresaken backbag... We got ready to leave.. me carrying my flowers and him carrying the box with the cookie in it... checked out.
Walked down the street.. the looks he was getting were absolutely priceless.. he was still in his dress clothes (rawr, he's so deadly)
So then we went into the subway and went home to drop off our stuff and ended up at his practise.
It was perfect :)
This is the first one
and the second part is called "Hotel Room Service"
Like the song :) yes. Pitbull. Kay good.
So this is about last Friday ... when Matt took me out for my seventeen birthday. Yay!
I bought him this huge cookie... and made him a thank you booklet kinda thing.. so he has an idea of how much I appreciate everything he does.
Let's get the the juicy stuff... ;)
So he picked me up in a taxi.. all dressed up and looking deadly as always... so I handed him the box the cookied was in with the booklet taped to the front and got into the taxi... my brother was tapping at the window nearest to me and I waved him off and then we left.... while we were driving... Matt turns over and hands me a bunch of flowers.
This, being the first time I ever receive flowers, was a very nice surprise to begin the evening with. Anyways, so we drove to the hotel (rawr) and checked in. We went into the room.. and it was dark...
I don't know. I always find things so symbolic... it was like... "hm, this is what coming home would be like"... and well it kinda felt weird for a while... not awkward but... I don't know.. weird... marriage-like?
Anyways so I changed my clothes, we talked for a bit and he opened his surprise. Which I think he liked. Hopefully. Or maybe he lied... men! ;)
Then he noticed that he left his backpack, laptop and change of clothes included, in the trunk of the taxi and called the driver up. The driver said he would deliver it to the hotel the next day.
Afterwards, we walked down the street looking for the restaurant, Spuntini, until we found it and walked up a couple of stairs.
Very impressive restaurant choice, I must say. There were practically no visible walls but, instead, tons and tons of international wine bottles sitting on shelves. And candles. Each table had it's own little candle. Which I thought was nice.
"Reservation for two"
What's your name?
"Matthew Ferreira"
Ohh, come with me.
All the people there were so friendly and so attentive to everything. They lead us to our table, which had a larger candle on it, and took our coats.
Matt sang happy birthday to me :)
We ordered. I ordered this pasta thing ( well duh, Italian restaurant) with shrimp and mushrooms and yup it was delicious.
Then Matt said...
"Hm. Candle-light dinner. I wasn't expecting thiiiiisss...."
Me: Oh?
"I lied, I asked them to get a larger candle and to make the bottom look like it had been there for a while."
Me: you lied...? you lied!
"Modesty dear, modesty"
All the little details he went through... aw, makes me feel so special. So after we finished dinner, he paid and we got up and went to look for our coats... which we couldn't find. So the host suddenly showed up and saw Matt going through other people's jackets.
Then he called the police and had Matt arrested for theft.... no thank God. :)
Instead he went to get our jackets and we left to the hotel.... but not before I took a piece of candle wax avec moi!
Friday, November 20, 2009
today's the day he is taking me out.... this shall be fun!
UPDATE: oh my god best day of my life will write on it later cuz i am doing english but oh my god
Monday, November 16, 2009
He's picking me up. Then dinner and then... a night at a hotel. Mh, interesting!
Kept reading on in that post...
"Who was I?
Better yet, how much more different am I now?"
This made me think back to that again. I know the answer. I'm exactly the same person. I'm still caring, jealous, obsessive, loving. sometimes even aggressive...It's black or white for me, always has been. Not even my feelings reflect shades of gray. They are either there or... they are not.
Anyways, digressing again. I am the same person BUT, with the experience and wisdom I have apparently gained, I realize that what I want has changed.
I don't care for conformity, or the safety of friendships, or about what other people want. I have learned to care about what I want and what makes me happy.
I always cared about what made me happy. I just put other people's happyness before mine. But now, it's about me. Because I can be happy! Because I deserve the best!
I'm so lucky I found it.
Christmas is coming up :) how nice.
FINALLY decided what I am purchasing for Matt. Hopefully his parents don't think of it too but, meh, I shall call them soon to ask what they are getting him.
:) good.
Spent like an hour looking at his future gift. It's awesome :) Surprise surprise.
I love the subject but that teacher makes me dread her next few words.
Essay due soon.
May blog over the weekend but its ta-ta for now.
Ta-ta for now!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Are you listening to me?
What do you want to be?
Taking a break from homeworking so I decided to come here anc blog about nothing in particular. Which is what I usually blog about. Most of these posts have absolutely no substance, they aren't even written as well as I am capable of writing. It's just a place for me to privately rant about things.
How private is a blog though right?
Well, ONLY like 3 people I know in "real life" have the link to this. And most people don't really stumble on blogs, haha. So basically, it's my own little reflecting place.
Anyways, my birthday is coming up. Don't really know what to expect. I know my birthdays have always been really good or really bad in the past.
When I was younger than nine, everything would be awesome. My family, practically my entire private school, trampolines, ventriloquists, animals, clowns, bouncy castles. Those are some of the things that I would have for my brithday every single year. But then my parents divorced and we moved here.
No more family to attend and anything else I ever knew. Gone.
Mh. I guess that's when things started going down hill.
I kinda missed bloggind about it last year, was kind of busy ... wow.. looking at that post, really makes me wonder.
Some things written there about Michael. It's weird seeing that. Things like "never been stronger"... I don't even recall feeling like that... it's like someone else wrote all of that. I find it so hard to imagine that it was me once upon a time. Me who would wait outside my school during Camp Olympia meetings just to see him for five minutes, me sprinting down the school hallways to talk to him, me sitting with him on the ferris wheel.
Who was I?
Better yet, how much more different am I now?
It really makes me sad thinking about that though. All I know now and all I should have known then to prevent everything from going so badly. Not as in a I-still-want-to-date-him way but as in a wow-how-could-I-have-been-so-stupid-look-what-my-blindness-caused. Does that make sence? Maybe not. But since when does anyone care about me making sence?
Friday, November 13, 2009
And I NEVER ever lose my composure, but lately, things have been a little too stressful.
I even cried over a math quiz. I got one out of ten on it. Gahhh That's pathetic.
Everyone saw, tried to comfort me.
Today we wrote a test. I stayed after school to finish the test along half the class.
I left like half an hour after school without finishing one of the questions.
Whatevs, if U of T doesn't work out, I can always just become homeless and starve or live in a box.
Y'know what I'm sayin'?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Exuse me while I throw up
Kay so in relation to my rant, Matt said, in the card, that I don't push him over the egde, that it was a heat of the moment kind of thing. Gah still makes me feel bad to drive him to say something like that
Very sweet card though, was pretty surprised :)
No doublt date that day but we still had a very nice time.
So the double date:
First we're at Subway, because Matt was eating. I hate Subway. Anyways so ya, we were there and the girl and her boyfriend came in, introductions were made. My love talked a lot about his personal life. Which I found interesting. A lot of that information I had to argue for and it was just spilling out of him. Mhm..
Went to Matt's house. Hm, the girl got kind of huffy at her boyfriend and kept talking to Matt's younger brother. While I was playing with him. Mh, I was like, excuse me, I actually care about this child, please take a couple of steps back. Anyways so her boyfriend goes to her and fixes things, thank God, and I played with Matt's little brother for a while, which caused me to fall practically on top of him. Oops.
We get out of the house, start walking towards the subway station. They walk in front while Matt and I walk a couple of steps behind them. They round a corner and keep walking so we decided to hide behind this tree thing so thta they couldn't see us. Not only did they keep walking, but they also didn't notice we were missing until they hit the street corner. Wowwwwww. That's funny though, Matt and I act so childish sometimes. I love that about him, always willing to play my games.
Get to the subway, get to the movie theatre, eat, buy tickets. Matt needs to go to the washroom so we go get seats for him. This isn't really important, well it is to me but whateves, so we save seats. And I go back to get him so he knows were we are. This is whats important to me, he gave me this smile when he saw I was waiting for him, ugh, melts my heart. :) gay gay kay but still.
Started watching the movie. The seats had arm rests that you could pull up so we did in order to get closer. Started feeling sick. Like throw up sick. Didn't want to get out or ruin the date thing so i just watched the movie. I swear, when it's the least favourable time to feel sick is always when I end up feeling like shit. Remember Moxies? Ya, fun stuff.
Movie finished. Walked around for a bit in search of a Tim Hortons, ya we're that Canadian. Ended up at a Starbucks instead. I hate startbucks. I've never had the actual coffee but just walking in there makes me feel sick. The smell is so overpowering. Plus I was still feeling sick from before, so that was no good. Spent out time talking about, well, paranormal activity. Interesting to see how much personal information flowed out of Matt again.
Coffee time finished, couples part ways, Matt's house again. Drives me home, spend like 2 hours talking about everything. My life, his life, what we hope for in our relationship, his father's apparent love for me, his ex, my ex, screwing up, and how much he had told his friends girlfriend. He said it was because he doesn't care what she thinks but was worried he would push me afraid...
He obviously had nothing to worry about. Anyways so ya, talked for 2 hours, came inside my house at like 2:40-3am and was half lectured by my madre.
Overall, it was nice. I hate sharing Matt's attention but it's interesting to see how other couples act.
Is it a good think or a bad thing that they are planning a second outing?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
made him get all huffy/annoyed with me.
this makes me feel like shit because i believe that i really am trying my best but time after time i see that my best is just simply not good enough it's never going to measure up to the good girlfriend standards i have set for myself i cannot make him as happy as i would like to and it kills me to know that i will never be able to make him trully happy just SAD or ANGRY or FRUSTRATED with the things i say or the things i do like i know we really care for each other but sometimes its so hard to not feel like a complete failure who just keeps messing things up time after time i know he tries very hard and it just makes it worse to know that i mess up so badly
gah i hate ranting but like ugh i really wish i could do better for him because i know exactly what he deserves and how far i am from reaching that bar gah i do not know what to do since my best is not working well it is we have a great relationship but it is not making him happy and him being all grr and bleh makes me feel like trash because i know that i cant do better.... fuckkk
mh then he said that i "just push me over the edge"
gah like ouchhh that could not have hurt more that is NOT what a girlfriend is for. It's not like you go up to your girlfriend thinking they are going to fuck you over, you go to them for comfort. fuckkk like seriously sometimes i feel like i am def just an absolute and complete failure at this
why can't i make him feel half as great as he makes me feel?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
That's CRAZY
"We are giving a gold necklace in three minutes."
My last three numbers: 052
Fernando's last three numbers: 051
Oh. Me and my brother look at each other, well I guess it was worth a try right? Anyways... so me and my brother make our way there and we put in our tickets and then they surveyed us... the lady talked for like 2o mins and we had to wait for her to pull out a ticket.
The winner was the person with the last three numbers 052. I hope you noticed that was me. I won this necklace with a heart on it, going to be sold around valentines day for about 1oo dollars. Maria was pleassseeed :) Then she said, okay, since I've been talking for so long, I'm going to give out a second gold necklace.
She pulls out a ticket...
Isn't that crazy? or is it just me?
So Lately...
Yesterday was Halloween. Happy Halloween. I know I had an interesting night yesterday. Get picked up by Matt.. then quietish... then arguing...more arguing... more quiet.... I hate when he's quiet... It's usually when he doesn't want to snap on me... "say something he will regret"....meh I really rather he did snap. Then it be faster to get over it? I don't knowwwwwwww. Meh whatevs. Ate dinner with his family. Things relaxed a bit, put on my costume and was practically assulted and chased around for pictures.
He didn't want to take his brother trick-or-treating. But he did it for me anyways. :)
So we took him, joking around, laughing. I love when he laughs. So cute. And then ended up here.
Dating him is such an emotional rollercoaster. I know I said this before but, seriously, I think this everytime we have days like this. It's not necessarily a bad thing but sometimes it really gets on my nerves how he can have such an effect on me without doing much. Gah.
By the way, the ex is talking to him again. Commenting on our wall-to-wall. She's just a big a stalker as me. Sometimes I wonder just how much we have in common. It bothers me thinking that she and I would actually get along had I not known what I do now. I hate myself for it. What she did goes against absolutely everything I believe in. Specially since she did it to him. Gah. I guess it's in his past and I shouldn't worry about it?
But more often than not, the past catches up to you.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Testing, Testing, Uno Dos Tres
I am a complete "blob" (as Matt likes to remind me) and was really reluctant (still am) to do this yesterday.
Matt left me with his mother in their kitchen while he went outside to do the BBQ. He gave me a little smile before he left. A "yes-I-know-you-can't-cook" smile.
Anyways so ya. Me and his mother where there and she taught me how to make this cheese thing. I felt like I was being put on the spot. You know when those people go onstage to test microphones and everyone looks at them? Or when someone trips in a crowded area? That reaction of everyone looking at you? That's how I felt... only me getting nervous over everything, it felt like than but ten times worse. I hate feeling like that.
Testing testing one two three.
I hope I passed. Point is, they all survived so the cooking could not have been THAT bad.
But who knows? Maybe they were just being polite.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I’m the secret keeper they slither and whisper to,
Curse and complain under the shadows
Of my blanket of trust: they gather
Bearing poisonous fruit from envious buds.
Grinding my teeth I hear to them, one by one
I see them approach with heads hung low
Silence is my master so I must obey
The bounding command to listen to their somber song.
I keep quiet, listening to their cutting words,
Listening to their nasty words,
Listening to their words,
Hurting, yelling, judging, remorseless.
But I refuse- I am done listening to this routine
I wish to speak, to scream of it
Gather my courage and tell of how
My patience has been worth thin
Restraint I must practice
This underestimated evil, this gossip continues
“It is not, nor it cannot come to good;
But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue!”
Act 1, Scene 2, Lines 158-159
I told her to go ahead since noone is going to care.
She said fine, I'll call social services or something but you will not be coming to my house at this time.
My Life in Shakespeare:
Me: Oh thou most wicked woman! Hath you not eyes?
Hath you not seen my love for him?
Madre: A savageness of unreclaimed blood, of general assault hath I seen!
Me: (aside) She is too cruel. I should probably slap her for that threat.
Me: Thee shall be ignored, for it is my choice who I see!
Madre: Nay! That choice is mine to make for give birth to you I did.
Me: Thou wilst not be able to separate our hearts...
Normally, I would just ignore her but she really got under my skin... Gah I don't even know what to do anymore. I swear there was this whole time period where she ignored me... for a full SIX could anyone ever do that to their daughter?
A card saying what he feels/loves about me.
oh my god, let me tell you how smiley I get each and every time I read that thing. Even the envelope makes me happy. He's just so ah-mazing... Now it's in my purse, so I can read it whenevs I like.
On a different topic, my godsisters birthday fiesta is tomorrow. I have decided not to go...Gah well, two years ago, on my birthday, one of my godsisters(there are two, Any and Marlene) had been dating this guy for like a year and she decided it would be wise to hook up with someone at my party. Feeling sad for the guy, I convinced her it would be best if she told him she had cheated on him. He broke up with Any and she blamed it on me. A couple of months later she had a spazz attack saying I was conspiring against her.... blah blah blah... point is, we haven't talked since May 2008. Which is why I'm not attending that party tomorrow. NU UH! I would much rather spend it with Matt. Which is what I'm doing.
On the topic of Matt, he has started posting on Blogspot! (yay, I'd like to think I inspired this but, whatevs, he would just deny it even if it was true :P)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What is love? (Baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, NOMORE!)
Advertising Professor: Love is a cash cow. Remember this: if you can associate something with love, sex, or violence you're creating an association between your product and happiness or excitement. Why do you think Valentine's Day was so successful that it got a sequel?
Algebra Professor: Love is the sum of it's parts, any unknown in which can be found by comparing multiple formulae in order to solve for two or more variables.
Biology Professor: Love is a natural desire tofind a mate which manifests in the form of joy. This motivates partial monogamy in nature to ensure the well-being of offspring.
Chemistry Professor: Love is the influence of many chemicals being released within the body. As hormones like Oxytocin and Vasopressin are released inside the body, the brain creates a feeling of euphoria. Significant others, sex, and maternal instincts involve the release of these chemicals.
Computer Programming Professor: 01001100011011110111011001100101. Of course, it changes if you want to change the capitalization.
English Professor: "But love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit;for if they could, Cupid himself would blush to see me thus transformed to a boy." William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. Perhaps you'd prefer Frost's, "Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."
History Professor: Love is a force which creates careers, empires, wars, and nations. I mean, love and greed. You know what? That's mostly just greed.
Neuropsychology Professor: Love is an addictive emotion created by releasing certain neurotransmitters as a form of reinforcement. The brain is identical when feeling the elation of love as when under the influenceof cocaine.
Packaging Professor: Listen, kid. It's our job to know how to put shit in a box and get it from A to B. If you want me to tell you how to ship love from New Hampshire to India in the cheapest, most effective way possible, we can talk.
Philosophy Professor: An understanding of love must go above any single discipline to connect all central theories of human life, though some believe love to be an discharge of emotions which defy rational examination. There are multiple types of love, Eros, Philia, Agape, and each has various metaphysical and epistemological arguments attached, while some cultures don't even have a word for love...(continue until you think of an excuse to leave).
Physics Professor: Love is the opposite reaction of the force of a significant person. Since Love = Interaction x Significance, and Interaction x Significance is a person's interpersonal value or "weight," that would make love the normal force of a person.
Political Science Professor: Irrelevant. What's important is whether or not the public thinks you're in love--that's what the polls say.
Psychology Professor: Love isn't really nailed down yet. It's a cognitive and social phenomenon, but there are a lot of theories. Maybe in twenty or thirty years we'll know more for sure--you know, you could write your thesis on it.
Spanish Professor: Amor. It's masculine.
TA: says here, in the lecture notes that...uh, you know it's not here. Let me ask the professor and get back to you next week. Is that okay?
Church time
They did that whole story about how a rich Jewish man came to Jesus and asked Him how he could possibly enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus then told the man to follow all the commandments and sell him possessions so he could give his money to the poor. The rich man went away sad because he had many things.
When the priest started to explain this he said something along the lines of "Jewish people like wealth. It's hard for them to give away their money"
Matt laughed.
I like it when he laughs :)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Just for a laugh
Today, completely excited, I told my mom about this guy from high school, that I had really liked and who had found me on Facebook. He said he regretted not asking me out in high school and offered to fly me out to visit him. Her response? "Has he seen what you look like now?" FML
Today, it was my friend's paintball party and we were doing it in a forest nearby. When I arrived at his house, his parents said they already started, so I geared up and went out there to find that there was a note on a tree. It said 'Sorry', and then twenty people jumped from bushes and ambushed me. FML
Today, I was in an exam and was chewing the end of my pen, stuck on a question. My mouth filled up with ink. I wasn't allowed to leave, so I had to sit for another hour with a foul-tasting blue tongue and a half-working pen. FML
Today, I tried to surprise my boyfriend over webcam with a cute negligee. He was doing homework. Half an hour later, he finally noticed. Apparently pre-calc is more interesting than his girlfriend. I guess polynomials are just curvier than me. FML
Today, I showed my boyfriend the new tattoo of a butterfly that I'd gotten on my lower back. He said, "It looks like it's flying when your rolls jiggle." FML
So a couple of posts ago I mentioned a dinner date with Matt, the "Invention of Lying". and dragging Matt to church... here is the update!
Date: This was on Friday. Instead of attending my schools dance, Matt promised to take me out to dinner. I decided to wear "The Outfit" underneath my clothes to show him later. So we were in the car... and we started arguing. As always. Sooooo... we stayed in the car for like half an hour trying to fix things and then had a wonderul dinner at Pickle Barrel. He sat across from me and we kept flirting. It's awesome having a relationship like this. Flirting all the time but it's meaningful and important to you. I don't know how to explain it. Whatever, if you really want to know, stop reading this blog and go get a boyfriend. Seriously. Anyways. ya dinner was nice then back to his place. Showed him "The Outfit" and then we started making out. For like two seconds. That about the time he turned away from me and started watching tv. Yes, you read that right. Here I was in my stockings and $70 dollar outfit watching him watch tv. Kay I felt like an idiot. And I said so, which really upset him. "You deserve better, I'm not supposed to make you feel stupid, you go through all this trouble and I can't even fully appreciate it." Aw my love. Anyways so we fixed that too and he drove me home and uhm. ya fun stuff. It was an overall lovely evening.
The Invention of Lying- Didn't end up going. Spent the night at Matts' instead. Slept in his bed. All warm and in his pants.... his pajama pants.... while he slept downstairs.... (GAH!) well too bad lmfao.
Church- dragging him this weekend instead since we ended up going to the reference library for one of his History assignments. Uni boys need to actually do work. Who knew.
Here is where I list what I'm thankful for.
- Family.
- Home.
- Friends.
- School.
- Matt.
uhm....let me edit that list
Most people would list family as one of these top things. Right? Well my madre didn't speak to me for six days. six ENTIRE days that she fully ignored me. Even if I walked into the house at 2 am, she would rather remain silent that satisfy her curiosity. Bitch move and a half. This is why:
Mean Lady: Maria give me the phone!!!
Me: Mom I just got on it, plus I'm talking to Matt...
Mean Lady: I don't care, I NEED to call the bank.
Me: But mom, it's already 8:30, banks are closed!
ML: If you weren't so STUPID you would know that I can call the bank whenever I want!!
Me: Well so then why do you have to call them now?
ML:You stupid ignorant little bitch. Give me my phone or I'll fucking smack you.
Me: .... Okay go! smack me! (Then to Matt "matt i'll call you back" *hang up*)
ML: *gets up and tries to hit me, I block it multiple times*
Me: Don't fucking touch me!
ML: Stupid little bitch, when that fuckhead dumps your ignorant ass, you better not come fucking crying to me. *leaves me alone*
The edited list of what I'm thankful for.
- Family.
- Home.
- Friends(?).
- School and Work.
- Matt.
Home. Kay I guess? I like being in a house but I enjoy being in my second homes better. One is obviously Matt's casa and the other is Chantal's house. I feel like 1oo times better in those atmospheres.
Friends. I'm thankful for the very few people I can actually consider friends. So like 3 people. Great?
School. Yay school and work! Get me out of my house and maybe a laugh here and there.
Matttttt. Aw how much does he mean to me. I can't even begin to describe it! I adore everything about him. I thirst for his company. He's stubborn and witty and charming and intelligent and frustrating and loving and.... well, the most important thing is that he is mine. And I his.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Saw him on Saturday and then I had to run off to babysit one of the kids I work with.
She was pretty good... was just quiet and then fell asleep pretty quickly. Little angel <3
Well anyways I got there at around 7:30 and the parents were supposed to get there at 12:30-1 am ish.
But they didn't. Matt came to pick me up at 12:40 and waiting until 2 am before I even entered his car. Ugh poor guy. He totally made my day yesterday though... sweetheart and a half.
He's soooo thoughtful. He even bought me one of my fave movies. "Moulin Rouge" and kind of watched it with me. Even though it's not even close to his kind of movie. Oh well, he's ah -mazing :)
I still haven't blogged about my friend's boyfriend breaking up with her. She was kind of upset at first but she got over it and now her ex's friend are asking her to hang out because "she's cooler than him". Hm, suspicious? These are the guys who were calling her nasty things behind her back. Plus their loyalties clearly lie to their friend right? Anyways, she wants me to go with her so she's safe. Gah.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Bus rides
It was dripping though the cloth and onto the floor.
A young lady walks into the bus, struggling with a stroller, and sits right across from the man.
He smiles and she returns the gesture.
He suddenly points at the stroller and tells her to move it farther from him...
And that's when I saw him puke into the bag.
He was carrying his own vomit around in the bag.
Really puts things into prespective.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Looking forward
Tons and tons of homework from teachers who trully dislike me.
For example, my math teacher doesn't like be because I indirectly called him boring in grade nine. Plus I'm really bad at math so I guess he is justified.
But whateves, get over it!
Either way, so much work to try to get the perfect average for my univeristy of choice... U of T!!
Plus I was chosen to be part of the schools Prom Committee. We already picked a theme but I can't reveal it until... well... until we start selling tickets haha..
So today is September 18... do you know what that means? praaaaaaaahhbably not.
so I'll just tell you. It means that I only have 2 months until my 17th birthday.
Hell to the yeah! :)
October 2nd is our schools first dance of the year. Since Matt isn't in high school, that means he can't get into the dance. Which by extension, means I'm not going. So he said he's going to take me out to dinner or something the night of the dance... "you won't even remember there is a dance"....October 3rd I hope to go watch "The invention of lying" with a whole bunch of friends and then October 4th....
(brace yourself)
you ready?
I am going to drag Matt to church :)
*insert hymns here*
Friday, September 11, 2009
Me in my underwear

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sing to me
I wish I could do better by you,
Cos that's what you deserve.
You sacrifice so much of your life,
In order for this to work.
While I'm off chasing my own dreams,
Sailing around the world,
Please know that I'm yours to keep,
My beautiful girl.
And when you cry a piece of my heart dies,
Knowing that I may have been the cause,
If you were to leave, fulfill someone elses dreams,
I think I might totally be lost.
But you don't ask for no diamond rings,
No delicate string of pearls,
That's why I wrote this song to sing,
My beautiful girl
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
- Debs Rex <3
I totally agree with this statement. Guys need to try a lot harder... but then again, so do girls right? Matt and I argue all the time. I screw up a lot and hurt him often. But the thing is, I hate having to pay for his ex-girlfriend's mistakes. I know most of what I do that bothers him now wouldn't have bothered him if she had been able to appreciate what an amazing guy he is. I make him feel horrible. Make him feel like he's a bad boyfriend even though I think he's an excellent one. Gah. I don't know why he puts up with me, really.
I know he could date someone prettier. Someone smarter. Someone from his school. Someone who can actually make him happy. Someone who doesn't fight with him over everything....
And I mean everything.
(I'm so insecure.)
I asked him why we always fight... he replied that it's because we care for one another. Too bad that in the process of caring for one another, we hurt each other so much..
fuuuuuuuckkk. I couldn't have said it better myself Deb, "I need reassurance. Fuck my life. I want to go live in a fairy tale."
But if I did, the prince would end up with the princess, right? Seriously, right now, if someone was writing our story, I doubt I would be the princess. More like the sinister step-sister.
Gah, and another thing. Half the time I wish that his ex-girlfriend had seen how much he's worth. Had treated him right, never hurt him. I would rather him never have been hurt even if it means he would still be dating her...
Everytime I think about this, I think about that song by Avril Lavigne... Sk8er Boi...I don't know why, but it always comes to mind...
I want to go live in a fairy taleeeeeeee.
Grade 12
The end of high-school... grade twelve. I keep thinking that today is the last day of my childhood. After today, is make or break time. My first semester is easy...Religion, English, Biology and a spare... ew spare... My second semester not so much... Calculous, Physics, Advanced Functions, and Chemistry...
I better not screw up academically.
I better get into my university of choice.
Because if I don't, I really don't know how I will be able to live with myself.
To be so young and to fail myself so greatly. Imagine all the other things I could screw up!
Young... last day of childhood...screw up...
New Co-worker... surprise!
And she did. Today I brought Chantal, from Dinos go rawr! to work with me.
I introduced her to my co-workers, showed her the staff room, introduced her to my boss, and then showed her how to do dishes.
Overall, I think she loves it. And my boss and the kids seem to enjoy her company.
UPDATE: Gah, so now my boss wants me to share shifts with her. I wanted her to get her own job, not share mine with her? Great. Mh. I don't know what to do!
Feeling better?
King Of Sketch
A white guy pretending to be a black one. You know, the kind of guy who walks around in Puffa jackets, with afros, and then wonders why people beat him up when he goes out at night.
"Fo' shizzle, mah nizzle, what's up with you, dawg!"
"No beef, man, no beef!"

CAPTION: Wigger. Because its not good enough to just be an idiot.
(Thank you Urban dictionary for that definition, I couldn't have said it better myself)
Anyways, so this sketch character wanted us to hang out with him and convinced our young and naive friend to enter his friends car. So of course, fearing for her safety, we decided to enter the vehicle as well.... That was clearly not a good idea considering that Stephs' mother was already having a fit without us there. Either way, we got in the car and were driven to where this random friend of KOS lives so he could change his clothes... He lives very far away from where we were supposed to be and decided that he did not want to drive us back home. The asshole thought it was proper to leave three young ladies out on the street in the middle of the night to walk home alone. Right, so we bused back and sprinted towards their house. Then we had to tell their mother a fabricated story regarding some man chasing us running around the block to lose him...
My point being, I do not approve of KOS... he wears his pants down to his knees, doesn't stand up for Stephanie or show any regards for her safety, talks like an idiot, and has a ponytail.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I was terrified and had to stop myself from crying multiple times.
Thank God I had one of my closest girl friends and my Matt to keep me company...
Everything went fine.. now I just have to watch her swallow tons of pain killers and half limp everywhere...
Still, I am grateful <3
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I need a hug
Well anyways, me and a couple of friends decided to hit Chinatown on Sunday just to shop around... it was fun :) they sell 3 packs of strawberries for 3 dollars and 20 kiwis for 2 dollars.... intense haha... then I slept over at their house
Only to have to wake up at 6:30 am to make it in time to work a 10 hour day.... my first 10 hour day of work... yay? I guess? It was tiring, but I have a story for you...
During my day yesterday, one of the older kids (around four years old) told me that he needed to poo... I told him to go and he replied with "I need a huggggg!"
Erm? I looked over at my coworker and asked her what I should do. She laughed and told me to hug him while he pooed and while she talked to some parents...
UM! ew wtf? Anyways so this kid looks like he really needs my help so I followed him into the washroom and let him grasp my hands while he pooed... and make grunting noises and such.... "I don't want to poo diahrea"... erm well yes. Interesting experience.
(to say the least!)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I love you in 112 ways
English - I love you
Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Albanian - Te dua
Arabic - Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic - Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara - M'bi fe
Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi

Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan - T'estimo
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Czech - Miluji te
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian - Afgreki'
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Farsi - Doset daram
Filipino - Mahal kita
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua
French - Je t'aime, Je t'adore
Frisian - Ik hâld fan dy
Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort
Georgian - Mikvarhar
German - Ich liebe dich
Greek - S'agapo
Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw

Hawaiian - Aloha Au Ia`oe (Thanks Craig)
Hebrew - Ani ohev otah (to female)
Hebrew - Ani ohev et otha (to male)
Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong - Kuv hlub koj
Hopi - Nu' umi unangwa'ta
Hungarian - Szeretlek
Icelandic - Eg elska tig
Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu
Inuit - Negligevapse
Irish - Taim i' ngra leat
Italian - Ti amo
Japanese - Aishiteru
Kannada - Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili - Nakupenda
Konkani - Tu magel moga cho
Korean - Sarang Heyo
Latin - Te amo
Latvian - Es tevi miilu
Lebanese - Bahibak
Lithuanian - Tave myliu
Malay - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam - Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni
Marathi - Me tula prem karto
Mohawk - Kanbhik
Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl - Ni mits neki
Navaho - Ayor anosh'ni
Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg

Pandacan - Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan - Inaru Taka
Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo
Persian - Doo-set daaram
Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish - Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese - Eu te amo
Romanian - Te iubesc
Russian - Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic - Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbian - Volim te
Setswana - Ke a go rata
Sign Language - ,\,,/ (represents position of fingers when signing'I Love You')
Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux - Techihhila
Slovak - Lu`bim ta
Slovenian - Ljubim te
Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili - Ninapenda wewe
Swedish - Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German - Ich lieb Di
Surinam - Mi lobi joe
Tagalog - Mahal kita
Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li
Tahitian - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil - Nan unnai kathalikaraen

Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai - Chan rak khun (to male)
Thai - Phom rak khun (to female)
Turkish - Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu - mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em (to female)
Vietnamese - Em ye^u anh (to male)
Welsh - 'Rwy'n dy garu di
Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba - Mo ni fe
FYL (Fuck your life)

Today, I found out why my parents have been trying to convince me not to go to college this year. I also found out where the $20,000 they just spent on landscaping came from. My college fund. Which is now $0. FML
Today, I tried to initiate sex with my boyfriend. As I put on my most seductive moves, he ever so nicely says, "Babe, we just had sex last night. Why don't we wait a while so you've had some time to tighten back up." FML
Today, for my birthday, my mom presented me with a $4,000 check to pay for my braces. I've been very self-conscious about my teeth for years. Everyone applauded and told me how happy they were for me. Later, my mom asked me for the check back. Apparently it was just meant to make her look good. FML
Today, my dad met my boyfriend. The first words out of my dad's mouth were "If my daughter sees your penis, I'll cut it off". FML
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Summer Girl
Three more weeks until my first day of grade twelve.... fuck I'm scared... this is going to determine what I'm going to do with my life... time to .... time to what? Make sure I get outstanding marks? Look up universities and courses? Try to trick my brother into learning? Get all my credits ready for graduation? fuckk...Time to make sure all of the above happen!!
Of course, no pressure!
Hit her grannie!
For example, just the day before yesterday, I went over to her house so we could take her little sisters swimming when... dun dun dun.... her grandmother shows up..
Now, who would ever expect anything menacing from a little old lady who just wants to see her granddaughters and who barely speaks English?
Not me that's for sure!
Anyways, one of Chantals sisters wasn't feeling well, so we asked her to watch the younger sisters, 4 & 7 years of age, while we went swimming.. She said that it wasn't fair and that we should take both of them.
The point is, we decided we would take the 4 year old because she behaves at the pool and she would take the 7 year old because she behaves properly at home.
We told both the children this was to occur and that whoever didn't go this time would be taken the next.
Then the 7 year old starts crying and throwing a fit. Her sisters tell her that there is no way she is going and that she is not going to get her way by having a tantrum.
Then the grandmother walks in and sheepishly asks what is going on... after we tell her she starts arguing that all or none should go.
The next part happened really fast... the grandchildren start fighting back, that the girl shouldn't have her way just because she is throwing a fit... then the granmother takes off her shoe (ahaha, I didn't know Portuguese people actually did this) and starts wacking Chantals 16 year old sister, Stephanie, with it and calling her all these things in Portuguese. Stephanie bravely grabbed the shoe from her hand and, in the 2 seconds it took to put it down, her grandmother (G.M. for short) started pulling her hair and hitting her back....
Dun dun dun... obviously Steph wasn't going to beat up her GM so she just walked outside...where GM followed...
Round two:

Into the ring, weighing x amount of pounds, comes the ferocious Stephanie, ready to beat some people up.
On the opposite side of the ring, weighing approximately 100 pounds, comes in GM, enraged at the thought of not getting her way.
*bell noise*
GM violently grabs Stephanie and manages to take her cell phone away from her, the object is soon discarded and thrown
At this, Chantal, the ref for this match, tries to make GM understand that this has to remain a fair match and that maybe she should just retire to her home. GM then starts screaming at the ref, telling her to mind her own buisiness while Steph walks off the ring and into the house... locking both the ref and GM outside....