For one of the clubs in my school which I am part of, we had to do a rant. I hate rants. They created punctuation for a REASON! Use it! It's lovely and it helps get your point across clearly. If yU t@\k \!k3 t4!s (you talk like this), I will delete you off my msn. Period.
Anyways so heres my rant:
Gossip why do people gossip why don't they just mind their own business everyone has problems everyone needs help no one needs to be kicked when they are down why can't people just shut up and stop telling me how to live my life everyone is different and they can't stop me aren't we all supposed to be different anyways everyone is different so you are they to spread rumors about others who don't need their lies gossip hurts everyone including the person who starts it everone suffers unbearable pain in the end because gossip stabs everone family friends spouces everyone why doesn't it all just end
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