Had I not climbed so high
Without haste, freedom would have come
But the exhilaration of the jump
My feet gliding off the ground
Again made my heart beat
My hair floated beside my face
I closed my eyes and felt
The power of my freedom
The power of the wind
I had waiting for too long
For my life to restart, and now the song
Of the birds caressed me
Freedom, soon I would find a home
My love, soon we will embrace
you took the jump before and beside you
I will quickly regain my place
On clouds we had not reached
The sun has risen for me only.
From the queen, the crown I received
Sing my love - we are free
This jump will bring me to thee
I see it, coming closer and cry
I feel ecstatic at soon being free
And that is when I was hit
That is when my skull hit the concrete
Without haste, freedom would have come
But the exhilaration of the jump
My feet gliding off the ground
Again made my heart beat
My hair floated beside my face
I closed my eyes and felt
The power of my freedom
The power of the wind
I had waiting for too long
For my life to restart, and now the song
Of the birds caressed me
Freedom, soon I would find a home
My love, soon we will embrace
you took the jump before and beside you
I will quickly regain my place
On clouds we had not reached
The sun has risen for me only.
From the queen, the crown I received
Sing my love - we are free
This jump will bring me to thee
I see it, coming closer and cry
I feel ecstatic at soon being free
And that is when I was hit
That is when my skull hit the concrete