Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Kay so I was asleep when Matt called me.
First thing he asked me was "How was your nap?"
I was like.. how did you know? creep.
He was like "I know my baby"
Awwww <3 so creepy... <3 keeding, he is my love.
First thing he asked me was "How was your nap?"
I was like.. how did you know? creep.
He was like "I know my baby"
Awwww <3 so creepy... <3 keeding, he is my love.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Candy Hearts

Amanda (coco-cutie) has broken up with JC. They outlasted my last relationship. She, like I did, had been thinking about breaking up with her boyfriend for a while. She finally did when we all told her to do what she thought was right.
She told me she was scared about regretting it. And about hurting him and losing and the history they have together.
She did what she had to.
I sent this picture to her.
Toronto Eagles.
Matt got "dismissed" from his coaching job.
The soccer club that he works (ed) for didn't want to pay him for a separate job he was doing for them. So he said something along the lines "I don't want this to become unprofessional or to take this to court."
They had a meeting with him the next day where he was told that he had "harassed" them and that he was therefore dismissed from his coaching duties.
Two of his friends left the club as a result. One didn't.
*Sigh* I hate that this is happening to him. He deserves better.
Hopefully I am enough.
I am really proud that he gave up something that was so important to him (coaching) in order to do what he believes is right. <3
Matt got "dismissed" from his coaching job.
The soccer club that he works (ed) for didn't want to pay him for a separate job he was doing for them. So he said something along the lines "I don't want this to become unprofessional or to take this to court."
They had a meeting with him the next day where he was told that he had "harassed" them and that he was therefore dismissed from his coaching duties.
Two of his friends left the club as a result. One didn't.
*Sigh* I hate that this is happening to him. He deserves better.
Hopefully I am enough.
I am really proud that he gave up something that was so important to him (coaching) in order to do what he believes is right. <3
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Matt and I had a really good day yesterday. Surprisingly..
I say surprisingly because of the horrible morning we had.
Too bad.
He was laughing a lot.
I barely ever make him laugh. And yesterday it was like EVERYTHING that was going on made him laugh.....
Simple explanation: Drugs.
I say surprisingly because of the horrible morning we had.
Too bad.
He was laughing a lot.
I barely ever make him laugh. And yesterday it was like EVERYTHING that was going on made him laugh.....
Simple explanation: Drugs.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A perfect day would really include you
So, I was looking through my email and I found this random thing. From like grade nine english. It was part of a journal entry.
"Describe a perfect day"
"In my opinion, a perfect day would start at about 12:00 pm. I would wake up to the sound of my favorite songs playing on the radio at my best friends’ house. We would get up and stay in out pajamas (INSIDE the house, of course) until about 2:00pm. Then we would then change into our very cute outfits and wander outside. Of course, it is summer and therefore the sky is a beautiful blue and the day is hot (but there would be a breeze to cool us off). We would head over to Christie Pits Park to go swimming for hours and come then decide to come home. I would soon after go to my house and log into MSN in order to chat to my other friends. Then my perfect day would end with a few hours of watching television and then me dozing off in the middle of a rerun of my favorite episode of the show “Friends”."
I act bitchy, do I?
Family day was nice. Spent it away from my family, that’s why. Haha.
Let’s not make incest jokes now.
Last Friday I was talking to an acquaintance of mine, someone I used to be close friends with, when she started telling me about her boyfriend. He has called her bitchy the day before. I was shocked. I actually thought “wow that sucks. I’m glad Matt would never say anything like that to me”.
Well, this morning he did. He said I was acting bitchy. He said it twice.
Well, apparently, I had misunderstood him when he was talking about how he was going to spend reading week. It was all like “we can do this during reading week”, “we can see each other a lot during reading week (not exactly that but tons of variations)”, “we can watch this movie during reading week.” So I guess I am stupid for assuming that I was going to see him every day of the week.
I am so glad he corrected me this morning because you know me, otherwise I would have been devastated. He put it so nicely too, it was all like “I want to see you but I have work and my friends want to see me.”
Yeah RIGHT! No, it was more like “Matt, I don’t want you to feel forced to see me” and he was all like “Too bad. Well I don’t I guess. Whatever. BLAH.” I don’t know. He was all like “Well, you have to give up one of these days” and “I have work to do later” and “What am I SUPPOSED to tell Mar (his best friend who makes me feel like an idiot) , HUH?”.
I don’t know. I just THOUGHT I was going to see my boyfriend a little more often than usual. Which would be everyday of a single week. But apparently he is too busy for me. Or something? Don’t take that too literately, I am just pissed at the moment. Like really.
I cannot believe he called me bitchy. I even gave him a chance to retract his comment. Like “oh I’m acting bitchy?” kind of thing.
“Yeah, you are acting bitchy, and you are rubbing everything in my face. And you are spazzing on everything I say”
You know what, I call him saying things like, good morning baby, are you tired, go back to sleep, no worries, I just need to know what time I am seeing you. I even offered to come with him to the library and help him with his work.
But you know what, I guess I am just some stupid bitchy PMSing girlfriend he needs to tolerate. And I just spazz on him and force him to come to my school.
I FORCE him to see his girlfriend.
Let’s not make incest jokes now.
Last Friday I was talking to an acquaintance of mine, someone I used to be close friends with, when she started telling me about her boyfriend. He has called her bitchy the day before. I was shocked. I actually thought “wow that sucks. I’m glad Matt would never say anything like that to me”.
Well, this morning he did. He said I was acting bitchy. He said it twice.
Well, apparently, I had misunderstood him when he was talking about how he was going to spend reading week. It was all like “we can do this during reading week”, “we can see each other a lot during reading week (not exactly that but tons of variations)”, “we can watch this movie during reading week.” So I guess I am stupid for assuming that I was going to see him every day of the week.
I am so glad he corrected me this morning because you know me, otherwise I would have been devastated. He put it so nicely too, it was all like “I want to see you but I have work and my friends want to see me.”
Yeah RIGHT! No, it was more like “Matt, I don’t want you to feel forced to see me” and he was all like “Too bad. Well I don’t I guess. Whatever. BLAH.” I don’t know. He was all like “Well, you have to give up one of these days” and “I have work to do later” and “What am I SUPPOSED to tell Mar (his best friend who makes me feel like an idiot) , HUH?”.
I don’t know. I just THOUGHT I was going to see my boyfriend a little more often than usual. Which would be everyday of a single week. But apparently he is too busy for me. Or something? Don’t take that too literately, I am just pissed at the moment. Like really.
I cannot believe he called me bitchy. I even gave him a chance to retract his comment. Like “oh I’m acting bitchy?” kind of thing.
“Yeah, you are acting bitchy, and you are rubbing everything in my face. And you are spazzing on everything I say”
You know what, I call him saying things like, good morning baby, are you tired, go back to sleep, no worries, I just need to know what time I am seeing you. I even offered to come with him to the library and help him with his work.
But you know what, I guess I am just some stupid bitchy PMSing girlfriend he needs to tolerate. And I just spazz on him and force him to come to my school.
I FORCE him to see his girlfriend.
Happy Valentine's Day
Got a phone call at eight this morning. After my three in the morning adventure, I was exhausted. WELL, so anyways, surprise surprise it was Matt telling me to wake up and get ready for him to pick me up. He was going to go practise soccer and I was to watch….for two whole hours. It’s okay I guess. It’s not too bad. I would mind less if he made more conversation with me while I was there but, he’s too busy for that kind of thing.
Anyways, so yes, soccer fun? Then we went downtown to eat and skate but his legs were killing him so I cancelled that idea. No skating. Even though I have been trying to go for like the past five weekends. But I rather him not be in pain. We just decided to eat. He got Subway and I got McDonalds (yay).
After eating we headed back to his house (yes we went downtown just to eat=fail). He showered and then we fell asleep together while watching the Dark Knight. Oh well.
This is when things got double the interesting.
This girl who he used to be really “close” to started texting him. First I thought it would be fun to see what she would say so I kept encouraging him to text back and gave him ideas as to what to say. Stupid me. Okay, I know. Blah, I didn’t think that through. Some of the things he told me were not exactly what he was saying to them. For example, he said he was telling her that he “doesn’t have time for this” but instead he actually texted that he would “talk to her later” and that it was “sad that it had come to this.” Uhm, do you even know what that sounds like? Well, I guess I have no right to complain because I did bring this upon myself. I did encourage him to text her and then I encouraged him to tell his ex-girlfriend that I wanted to meet her.
So it’s not his fault that he spent half our time at Demetres texting his ex and that girl he was close to. More like my fault. But at least he turned off his phone and made me laugh even when I was sad.
Well, then we went to the movies. Watched “Valentine’s Day” on Valentine’s day. As I said, very creative. It was nice, we liked it.
Got home at two in the morning to have my mom bitch at me for being on the phone. Which I wasn’t. Apology for Maria? Nonexistent. Surprise!
An eventful evening. Overall nice, I think. He is a sweetie.
He bought me flowers on Friday and one of my favourite movies, Hairspray. He even watched it with me. Well most of it.
Anyways, so yes, soccer fun? Then we went downtown to eat and skate but his legs were killing him so I cancelled that idea. No skating. Even though I have been trying to go for like the past five weekends. But I rather him not be in pain. We just decided to eat. He got Subway and I got McDonalds (yay).
After eating we headed back to his house (yes we went downtown just to eat=fail). He showered and then we fell asleep together while watching the Dark Knight. Oh well.
This is when things got double the interesting.
This girl who he used to be really “close” to started texting him. First I thought it would be fun to see what she would say so I kept encouraging him to text back and gave him ideas as to what to say. Stupid me. Okay, I know. Blah, I didn’t think that through. Some of the things he told me were not exactly what he was saying to them. For example, he said he was telling her that he “doesn’t have time for this” but instead he actually texted that he would “talk to her later” and that it was “sad that it had come to this.” Uhm, do you even know what that sounds like? Well, I guess I have no right to complain because I did bring this upon myself. I did encourage him to text her and then I encouraged him to tell his ex-girlfriend that I wanted to meet her.
So it’s not his fault that he spent half our time at Demetres texting his ex and that girl he was close to. More like my fault. But at least he turned off his phone and made me laugh even when I was sad.
Well, then we went to the movies. Watched “Valentine’s Day” on Valentine’s day. As I said, very creative. It was nice, we liked it.
Got home at two in the morning to have my mom bitch at me for being on the phone. Which I wasn’t. Apology for Maria? Nonexistent. Surprise!
An eventful evening. Overall nice, I think. He is a sweetie.
He bought me flowers on Friday and one of my favourite movies, Hairspray. He even watched it with me. Well most of it.
Dinner Parteh times two
So Matt's family had a dinner party, as I mentioned in previous posts. First of all, we had dinner. Yay. Yummy.... Matt kept asking me what was wrong. I don’t know. I just really like basking in his attention but, what can you do right? If he has guests I know he should be paying attention to THEM. And so I tried to let him, but I guess he noticed that it was bothering me.
Well, it was time to drive me home. So he was driving out when he… kind of bumped his car against the family friend’s car. Which created a huge bump…and a scratch. Oops.
Well anyways, he drove me home and decided to deal with it when he came back home. He was freaking out about how they would react to the news. He even started shaking ( I’m not sure if he was trying to hide that from me but, meh, I noticed). I get so worried about him sometimes. Couldn’t get out of the car when it was in front of my house. I felt like I needed to make sure he was fine, so I told him to drive US back to his house.
Which he did.
The people told him it was fine, no problem, relax, kind of thing. He seemed more relax… what a relief. Fell asleep with my head on his lap when he started playing games with one of his guests. Woke up to them playing Star Wars. Gayyyy. Well, so that was an eventful day. We went upstairs, “happy Valentines day” and left to my house for a second time.
I got inside at three in the morning. All to make sure Matt was fine…totally worth it.
Well, it was time to drive me home. So he was driving out when he… kind of bumped his car against the family friend’s car. Which created a huge bump…and a scratch. Oops.
Well anyways, he drove me home and decided to deal with it when he came back home. He was freaking out about how they would react to the news. He even started shaking ( I’m not sure if he was trying to hide that from me but, meh, I noticed). I get so worried about him sometimes. Couldn’t get out of the car when it was in front of my house. I felt like I needed to make sure he was fine, so I told him to drive US back to his house.
Which he did.
The people told him it was fine, no problem, relax, kind of thing. He seemed more relax… what a relief. Fell asleep with my head on his lap when he started playing games with one of his guests. Woke up to them playing Star Wars. Gayyyy. Well, so that was an eventful day. We went upstairs, “happy Valentines day” and left to my house for a second time.
I got inside at three in the morning. All to make sure Matt was fine…totally worth it.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Dinner Parteh
So Matt's family is hosting a dinner party with some family friends and moi. Because noone can ever have a party without inviting me.
Keeding? I suppose. So anyways, he is in the shower as I type this.
Dirty kid. ;) Rawr.
Did you know this is my 200th post. Awesome. My hundreth post was about breaking up with the ex. Oh well. 200 posts are nice.
Like me.
So ya. What's cooking good looking?
Keeding? I suppose. So anyways, he is in the shower as I type this.
Dirty kid. ;) Rawr.
Did you know this is my 200th post. Awesome. My hundreth post was about breaking up with the ex. Oh well. 200 posts are nice.
Like me.
So ya. What's cooking good looking?
Friday, February 12, 2010
Two More Days
Brah so two more days for Valentine's day. Yay! Well here is the plan.
- Skating somewhere where we can rent skates.
- Going to Demetre's and eating, like, giant dessert.
- Going to watch "Valentine's Day".. on Valentine's Day.
Brah, don't hate. I am just filled with creativity. Awesome.
Sometimes I feel SO stupid. Like for ex
ample, yesterday I was too busy working on a project so Matt told me he was going out with one of his friends.
One. His guy friend Phil. Okay. That's nice.
Until I find out they had like a party at Pizza Hut with like four guys and Phil's girlfriend. Huh.
For some unknown reason, that made me feel weird. I don't know if it was jealousy but I am pretty sure it was heading that way.
So I told him. And he told me I had nothing to worry about like 50 billion times. Yeah I know... but still..
I don't know. Blah
So this morning, to top off the stupidity, I thought I lost my USB. And since I had my project (the one that I worked on for HOURS yesterday) on it and had to present it, I was feeling very panicky. Great? FML. Fo'shizzle
Anyways, so it was time for school and I was already late so I kept looking for the USB only to find it half an hour later....
In my pocket.
Stupid. Fail.
ample, yesterday I was too busy working on a project so Matt told me he was going out with one of his friends.
One. His guy friend Phil. Okay. That's nice.
Until I find out they had like a party at Pizza Hut with like four guys and Phil's girlfriend. Huh.
For some unknown reason, that made me feel weird. I don't know if it was jealousy but I am pretty sure it was heading that way.
So I told him. And he told me I had nothing to worry about like 50 billion times. Yeah I know... but still..
I don't know. Blah
So this morning, to top off the stupidity, I thought I lost my USB. And since I had my project (the one that I worked on for HOURS yesterday) on it and had to present it, I was feeling very panicky. Great? FML. Fo'shizzle
Anyways, so it was time for school and I was already late so I kept looking for the USB only to find it half an hour later....
In my pocket.
Stupid. Fail.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Valentine's Day
Yesh! ALthough it is just another day with my beloved one. We are going to Demetre's. Or, at least I think we are. Yum I like Demetre's Cafe. Their desserts are so good. :)
Ice cream and waffles and chocolate.
Melted chocolate.
On you. On Valentine's day.
Kiddddding. Somewhat. NO! Chaste. Goodbye
Maybe we can see a movie?
In the know what happens?
Buddy please, I am so innocent.
Yesh! ALthough it is just another day with my beloved one. We are going to Demetre's. Or, at least I think we are. Yum I like Demetre's Cafe. Their desserts are so good. :)
Ice cream and waffles and chocolate.
Melted chocolate.
On you. On Valentine's day.
Kiddddding. Somewhat. NO! Chaste. Goodbye
Maybe we can see a movie?
In the know what happens?
Buddy please, I am so innocent.
So. About my friend who lost her v card. Well, she was at his house. He cooked for her. And then she ripped off his pants.
Well, not exactly. She said it hurt.
That sucks? Hm. Those hormonal teenagers! When are they going to be more like me.
Heh, that's me.
Well, not exactly. She said it hurt.
That sucks? Hm. Those hormonal teenagers! When are they going to be more like me.
Heh, that's me.
Valentine Prom Bakesale
Wow. Okay, so today the Prom Committee is having a bakesale. As we do every month. We put up posters around the school and were doing announcements over the PA system at our school. One of the posters says something like "FREE FOOD FREE FOOD when you give money to the prom committee's bakesale this thursday and friday!"
Some MORON went to go complain to our moderator about the fact that they believed that they were going to get free food.
I asked a couple of other students if the understood the joke. They do.
It surprises me how stupid people can be nowadays.
So insulting.
The fact that I might not see Matt today makes it worse. He has some essay to write and it's due tomorrow. *sigh* Life is so sad.
Well not THAT sad. But dissapointing enough.
Some MORON went to go complain to our moderator about the fact that they believed that they were going to get free food.
I asked a couple of other students if the understood the joke. They do.
It surprises me how stupid people can be nowadays.
So insulting.
The fact that I might not see Matt today makes it worse. He has some essay to write and it's due tomorrow. *sigh* Life is so sad.
Well not THAT sad. But dissapointing enough.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Computers Class.
Brahhh, I am so bored. Sitting in this class is DEATH! This is the easiest class of life.
Hopefully my other classes will keep me slightly entertained.
Well, at least now I will certainly be blogging more often because I am forced onto a computer everymorning. I want my butt to grow so maybe a diet of McDonalds and no exercise will help. I know my lover likes that idea.
Gah, so Matt and I argued this morning. Again. Surprise? No. *sigh* . He just wants me to jump off a bridge.
Keeeding. I know you don’t think like that, relax..... Anyways, so yeah. Just vegetation in front of this crappy school computer. I thought MY computer was bad. Nothing compared to this….. stop stripping, it’s distracting love. Yeah. Go change in the other room. Those pants shouldn't be coming off. Pfft, alligator.
Why am I thinking about that?
PS: My hotstay friend told me she lost her virginity on friday. Must find out more of the... juicy... details!
Hopefully my other classes will keep me slightly entertained.
Well, at least now I will certainly be blogging more often because I am forced onto a computer everymorning. I want my butt to grow so maybe a diet of McDonalds and no exercise will help. I know my lover likes that idea.
Gah, so Matt and I argued this morning. Again. Surprise? No. *sigh* . He just wants me to jump off a bridge.
Keeeding. I know you don’t think like that, relax..... Anyways, so yeah. Just vegetation in front of this crappy school computer. I thought MY computer was bad. Nothing compared to this….. stop stripping, it’s distracting love. Yeah. Go change in the other room. Those pants shouldn't be coming off. Pfft, alligator.
Why am I thinking about that?
PS: My hotstay friend told me she lost her virginity on friday. Must find out more of the... juicy... details!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Why do we have to argue so much? Over a video clip? Over a missed breakfast?
Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Fuck my life.
I love you
Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Fuck my life.
I love you
Fernando's new friend.
So my brother has been bringing this really cute kid home. He is in grade ten and his name is Richard. He plays the sax and has blonde hair and likes to hand out with my brother....
Quite surprising, really.
Anyways, this kid is really snobby and made Fernando his bitch. He was like asking him for yogurt and cereal and like coffee.
And not just any coffee... a DOUBLE DOUBLE. Like, GOD! This isn't a restaurant!
Plus the sad part is, he is related to one of my school acquaintances. He is the younger brother of a girl who attends my school.
She is kinda weird. Last year, for Earth Day, we were told to use a green accessory with our uniform. The girl showed up looking like an elf. She wore everything green, down to her socks. She is always coming to talk to me and telling me how her mother forces her to do things. For example, once we had a bakesale and she was saying how her mother forced her to lick the spoon of the batter thing.
Hm. Creepy family? I don't know what to do with Mr. Spoiled. Gah.
Quite surprising, really.
Anyways, this kid is really snobby and made Fernando his bitch. He was like asking him for yogurt and cereal and like coffee.
And not just any coffee... a DOUBLE DOUBLE. Like, GOD! This isn't a restaurant!
Plus the sad part is, he is related to one of my school acquaintances. He is the younger brother of a girl who attends my school.
She is kinda weird. Last year, for Earth Day, we were told to use a green accessory with our uniform. The girl showed up looking like an elf. She wore everything green, down to her socks. She is always coming to talk to me and telling me how her mother forces her to do things. For example, once we had a bakesale and she was saying how her mother forced her to lick the spoon of the batter thing.
Hm. Creepy family? I don't know what to do with Mr. Spoiled. Gah.
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