Kay kay. This post is about an amazing site I found. It's called PostSecret.com. It's a place where anyone can mail a secret it and they expose it on the internet. They show the strength, or lack of, that people have. It's amazing how people respond to the pictures posted up.
The site is updated every sunday. A while ago, I saw a secret ( I wish I had saved the image). It was a picture of 2 girls making out and the caption on the picture said "I told my parents I'm a lesbian so they will let me hang out with boys without assuming I was having sex" Wow.
Anyways here's a taste of what I found, make sure to check out PostSecret. Maybe even send in a couple of your own dirty secrets!
Today was my first day of summer school... no I didn't fail anything, before you assume so! I just didnkt have any room in my school schedule so meh. Anyways summer school... saw some interesting people and ran around learning chemistry. Talked to some old friends, was informed people were talking behind my back again.... as usual. Fun? I think not.
Me and my friend used to listen to this song..."Bitches get stiches" by Blood on the Dance Floor.... its not generally my style of music but I like the lyrics.... (8) you can talk your shit; you're only making me famous (8)
Anyways. So yes. Summer school, where I saw creepy Michael.... no not my ex-boyfriend, but the creepy Michael.... oh wait, this is a story I have yet to write. Well the day I broke up with Michael, I went online and started talking to Creepy Michael about how sad I was and such. To which he replied that he could be at my house in 30 mins tops....and then he started hitting on me. Great. Thanks creep.
Whatever. so creepy Michael was there, saw me and came to talk to me.
Me: what? oh uhm... hi.
"Long time no see"
Me: uhm ya...
*stands around for a bit...*
"erm... well, see you later"
Me: uh ya nice seeing you
Whatever, creepy Michael doesn't have anything to do with me being wet. Turns out summer in this country sucks. You either die from heat or get poured on. So as I was waiting for an HOUR (thanks TTC, much appreciated) for the bus to come, it rained on me... and rained on me, and rained on me.
Then I called my brother; you know, for some sympathy. Asked him what he was doing and told him how frustrated I was about the bus taking so long and the rain. What to know what he said?
Me: Ugh I've been waiting here for-
"Oh well, nothing I can do! Bye bye!!!"
And then he hung up on me.
Ah family, you know you can always count on them for those rainy days...