- Sleepy :: Tired
- Thanksgiving :: Turkey
- Fifteen :: Birthday
- Authority :: Police
- Bangs :: Ew.
- Curled :: Straight!!!
- Young man :: Old Man
- Surprised :: Shocked
- Mistake :: Man. (haha only kidding... uhmm...error)
- Handle it :: Suffocate.
Saturday, November 29, 2008

3. Who is your favourite band / artist?
(Insert picture of Michael singing to me here.)
4. What is your favourite movie?

7. Where do you work?

9. What did you do last night?
Hello There!
I still don't. (I just want to keep this updated).
Okay well... school is as busy as ever. So are my extra curricular activities (Camp Olympia, Documentary Club, Creative Writing Club, Wellness/Mission Possible, Chaplaincy).
It's getting a bit out of hand, especially with the food-drive coming up.
Anyways, at least I have Michael and my friends to pull me through it. My relationship with him is stronger than it ever has been. He is so adorable.
I wish I could say I had stronger relationships with my friends as well. It's quite the opposite. Those seem to become dimmer by each passing day. (That really, really sucks.)
Better go do some homework. My future depends on it.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Locked out
I looked for my younger brother, Fernando, to open the door for me.
I found him 5 doors down at his friends house.
I told the girl I was locked out and she replied "oh, wow that sucks."
He came to the door, and while he closed it he said "That sucks."
This left me outside.
I decided to go back to my house and ring the doorbell of the upstairs neighbours. I rang it. Multiple times. I knew they were home because the lights could be seen through their windows. They didn't open the door. Wow. Thank God for kind people.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The day after.
Anyways, I have 3 ISU (Independent Study Unit) to do so... I shall write later?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Oh wow.
I really came down on Michael pretty hard. He was kind of upset. He really is sweet to me, I don't understand how I can be so... ugh to him. He deserves so much better. Wow. And after he was upset, I was upset because I made him sad.
Poor guy. He's so great and I'm just... not.
Anyways to get my mind off THAT subject.
So as I said in a previous post, I shall blog about today. Saturday Nov 22. Well, today is my birthday "party" (haha. if you can call it that with ten people coming, including myself). I don't even know if I want to go, but I have to. It's kinda mean to ditch those people who had the time to come celebrate me turning 16. Unlike my other friends. Not to sound bitter or anything. I just wish they had come to my party instead of some other girl's party. I think I do a lot for them and I know they do a lot for me. So I can't understand why they decided to go there. I guess it's because they were invited there first? Didn't they know I was going to do something for my birthday?
Guess not. But I know that if I need them, there going to be there for me. I need them today. :(
Anyways, so yes. We are going to go to Pickle Barrel at Yorkdale at 3 pm. Then we will eat and move on to the movie theater, where we will pick a movie. Blah. No good movies are out that we could watch. Twilight will be WAY too crowded. After the movie, we shall all head back to my house for some CHEESECAKE and 2 people shall sleep over.
Fun? I hope so!
Will blog on how this ended up terribly later.
Friday, November 21, 2008
True Love
Yesterday at his house, we ended up discussing a strange topic.
Me: I bet if I got into a horrible accident you wouldn't love me anymore. You wouldn't even talk to me! (I said this as a joke)
"It depends"
Wow. That was an answer I wasnt expecting.
Me: On what?
"On how you look. I saw this girl with her-"
It shouldn't depend.
Whatever. That really upset me. In my opinion, a person can tell another person they "love" them if they are not ready to commit. To commit in a serious "for better or for worse" manner. Otherwise you don't love them. You just like them. You can only love someone when you are willing to die for that person; to suffer for them.
He then asked me the same question. I replied that I could never leave him. Well, I guess I wouldn't have a choice if I got hit by a car. Haha.
In Religion class, we were discussing love and arranged marriage. Sometimes it seems like arranged marriage is horrible, but in times like these it appears to be sensible. I mean, how many people who "trully love each other", get married, have kids, and then get divored. In an arranged marriage, you have less of a chance of remaining single for all your life and you would only divorce in extreme circumstances, which would therefore allow the person to learn to love their spouse.
I know what I feel for Michael. It fits under my definition of love. The one that consists of ultimate sacrifice and unconditional love. He sais he loves me. I don't think he knows what love is. But then again, I'm only sixteen so what do I know?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Jim Jones
Thats fucken horrible.

"James Warren "Jim" Jones (May 13, 1931 – November 18, 1978) was the American founder of the Peoples Temple, which is best known for the November 18, 1978 death of over 900 Temple members in Jonestown, Guyana along with the deaths of nine other people at a nearby airstrip and in Georgetown.To the extent the actions in Jonestown were viewed as a mass suicide, it is one of the largest such mass suicides in history, and the greatest single loss of American civilian life in a non-natural disaster until the incidents of September 11, 2001."
Sleep Talking
Anyways, as you may have seen, the topic for this blog post is sleep talking. At Camp Olympia, on the first night of camp, the whole cabin was awake except me. I unconciously shot up and shouted "GINA! Where's Gina?!". To this, the startled girl replied that she was right in the room. I laid back down and didn't remember it the next day. My mother tells me that I have a full blown conversation in my sleep at 5 in the morning. She then screams at me to get off the phone, to which I reply startedly "I'M NOT ON THE PHONE!"
This is a serious problem, considering I have many secrets from my mother.
Oh, and my birthday was pretty uneventful. School, home, see Michael, cake. It's Saturday I should be excited for. I'm really not. (will blog on this later; If I remember)
Michael got me a Nintendo DS & a game. "Yaya!"
Sunday, November 16, 2008
November 16
"Yaya!"- Michael
Agreed. It also means that there is 6 days until my birthday sleepover. A couple of friends and I shall go to Lunch/Dinner at the Pickle Barrel and then go watch a movie. NOT Twilight, due to the fact that all the tickets are already sold out? I don't know, I guess we'll see.
Ugh. I have two unit tests on my birthday. Lame. Better go study!
Also, if you are wondering why I'm not a church ( you're a creeper if you are) the reason is studying. Law and Biology Unit Two Tests. One in my first period and one in my second. Joyful!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Lost my blog.
Well, obviously I fixed the problem. So here I am. Ranting to no one in particular :)
Anyways, Michael is supposed to be here by now, but he called about 15 minutes ago saying that he was going to be two hours late. Lovely.
Men. You can never trust them to be on time. They don't seem to understand that we can be late but they can't. Sexist-ish, but true.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Trip & Grade 8 Open House.
After that, I quickly returned to the school with two of my friends. One went of to volleyball practise while the other went to practise the fashion show (read below).
I ran the video me and two of my closest friends had made over the summer. It is a 20 minute presentation on our school's clubs and sports. After that, I helped the volunteers set up posters and such. Blah.
I escaped the teacher's watch for a quick run to Tim Hortons with Michael. Who was late in meeting me. Oh well, I shall forgive him.
Anyways, I later returned to the school to run the video again. The parents of grade wight students were slowly arriving. They were looking for the best school for their daughters and, of course, they had found it. The evening ran smoothly. There was my video promoting Camp Olympia and the grade nine retreat/orientation; which was UNEXPECTEDLY CHANGED by one of my teachers. Ughhh. All those hours for that. There was also a fashion show which consisted of people modeling the school's uniform. It was well presented and entretaining. We toured the parents around and I received a grim surpise.
One of my teachers was crying. She is the sweetest lady on Earth and I don't know what could have upset her so greatly that she locked herself up in a room.
Anyways, the rest of the evening was pretty great. Just that one memory sticks out in my mind.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
"My mom said I could!"
Watch this video, make sure to watch it to the end.
Initially I thought it very confusing but then I realized how funny this television commercial is!
Be careful what you say to children!
Why the 12 is important.
Today, 17 months ago, Michael asked me out. And fortunately, I said yes. Michael and myself have had an amazing relationship. Apart from being my facebook husband, he is my best friend. I know I can count on him as much as I count on my friends.
Today, a month ago, my neighbour and close friend asked another one of my close friends to be his girlfriend. She had been looking forward to this and, of course, said yes. That day, the four of us had gone to Cafe Demetres and then to the movies. We watched "Quarantine". Unbeliveably stupid. PEOPLE CANNOT GET RABBIES!
The 12 of November is very important to me, BUT the 18 is also very important.
I will turn 16 years old a mere 6 days from now. My days of "I'm-too-young-to-get-a-job-so-give-me-money" are going to be officially over. Sixteen is a difficult age, and knowing myself, I forsee me failing. Sweet Sixteen, who ever thought that up? It's the point of no return. That is the year when you choose what career you will have and try to make that goal a reality. Oh my God, I am not ready. Well, at least it shall be interesting!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
"Are you racist?"
"Can I ask you a question?", she asked me.
"Are you racist?"
By this time I was thinking about the fact that one of my closest friends in the world is Black. She is intelligent, stylish, and beautiful. The colour of her skin would never make me think anything less of her. In fact, I think she is a very strong character which I admire. She is a trustworthy friend who has been there for me in my time of need. Anyways, back to the story...
"I heard you said a racist comment at Semi-Formal"
Wha....? Said what?
"Just something. Where you even at semi?"
"Oh ok. Thanks, bye."
How can she accuse me without even knowing if I did in fact attend Semi? Or without knowing anything about me? As a Mexican, I don't think I even have a right to be rasict. Wouldn't that be something. A person who is from a culture who is stereotyped frequently making fun of someone else. With all the tequila running through my veins, it's a miracle my uneducated brain can even type this out. Ughh.... that was sarcasm by the way.
After that incident, another girl approached me and asked me similar questions. Wow, rumors DO spread like wildfire.
I found out that I boldly stated that "Black girls can't dance" at Semi. Seriously, what the fuck. Who has the time to make these things up?
Of course, I don't blame them. They don't know me so they don't know how I act or how I am. But isn't that more reason as to not judge me?
Sunday, November 9, 2008
1 Law Independent Study Unit
1 English ISU
1 Biology Assignment and a half
Oh, and a Camp Olympia video for my school's Grade 8 Open House this Thursday.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Day After Semi-Formal
A French Affair.

It was amazing. The dinner was divine.
The dimmed lights put everyone in a dancing mood and it was a great success.
Almost worth the 60 dollars I paid to get in.
My boyfriend, Michael, and I had a fun time.
Have you ever heard of Cinderella? Well, that was me yesterday.
Wearing a borrowed dress and old shoes that looked new. I even got a ride with a stranger.
Of course, no one has to know this. It keeps up the illusion that I cared about going to semi (No offence intended to Student Council, considering most of you are my friends. I just don't like grinding in dresses much LOL. Yes I'm cool).
Anyways, I made a new enemy yesterday; although she doesn't know it. That's what she gets for trying to smack my boyfriend's ass.
Oh well... at least I took a rose, 2 glow sticks, a tired boyfriend, and a stomachache home.